Getting started
The Forsta Cati REST API is a pure REST/JSON API. Please note that it is not a WCF service, so there is no WSDL available. The API ships with an integration SDK. The SDK is a .NET assembly, so if you use Java or JavaScript you cannot currently use the SDK. The SDK contains a set of service and model classes to simplify integration. The Forsta CATI REST API is an add-on, if you do not have this add-on, you will receive a 503 (Service Unavailable) error when attempting to use it. How to use an SDK Nuget package:
Contact Forsta Support to get CATI Rest SDK;
Save package in a local Nuget feed;
Add SDK to the project by right-clicking the project and then choosing Manage Nuget Packages. Search for Confirmit.Cati.Rest.Sdk and click Install.
Now you can start using the SDK in your application.
Using the API SDK
The SDK is a single .NET assembly Confirmit.CATI.REST.SDK. The assembly compiled for the .NET 4.5 framework. SDK contains service and model classes. Service classes act as proxy classes, model classes are mainly POCO classes used in the JSON serialization/deserialization. Service classes are located in the "Confirmit.CATI.REST.SDK.Client" namespace. Here is a list of the service classes:
All service classes implement corresponding interfaces. Service classes gets single parameter in the constructor - IRestClient. All service methods are asynchronous and returns Task object. In .NET 4.5 you can use the await keyword to wait for the task to complete. Please refer to study code examples.
To access the API you first need to have xConfirmitApiKey. To get the key you need to call Forsta LogOn SOAP web service. In the Confirmit.CATI.REST.SDK.LogOn namespace there is a proxy class that can be used to access the LogOn web service.
To be able to call the API the user needs to have SYSTEM_API_ACCESS and SYSTEM_CATI_ADMINISTRATE permissions. Otherwise, a 403 Forbidden error code will be returned.
Forsta environment configuration
We suggest using the Nordic site to test the Rest API.
- - for the RestClient constructor address parameter;
- - to configure LogOnSoapClient (please see the sample in API SDK)
To access the Forsta SaaS environment please use the following addresses:
- or - for the RestClient constructor address parameter
- or - to configure LogOnSoapClient (please see the sample in Using the API SDK)
Site info is published here: You can also use the Environments class to create LogOnSoapClient and RestClient instances for different Forsta environments without specifying the URLs manually.
ODATA support
All services have a GetAsync method that returns a list of corresponding records (list of surveys, interviewers, groups, call history entries, break history entries). GetAsync methods are gateways to the OData endpoints. GetAsync gets a single parameter - OData query string. Using a query string, you can filter the result lists. The API supports the OData V4 specification. To filter the result set by the column - use the column name (entity field name) in the filter. For the sample, see The only exception is CallHistoryWithVariablesService which does not use OData query.