Specifies a table column for displaying specific details of selector items
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
alignment |
Alignment of text inside the column |
left |
left | center | right |
label |
value |
width |
Width of the column |
Data Grid column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
This property contains alignment for column header cell. |
left | center | right |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Data Grid value cell. |
Row percentage cell |
Column percentage cell |
Data Grid trend cell. |
Mean T test cell |
Mean Z test cell |
Proportional T test cell |
Proportional Z test cell |
Data Grid chart cell |
Cell diff |
Data Grid custom cell. |
Expression filter |
Changes the reporting hierarchy nodes to be used from default/selected in filter to different one |
Changes the reporting period from default / selected in the filter to different one |
Changes applied filter to to different one |
Data Grid column |
Data Grid cut column |
Data Grid cut by multi column |
Data Grid cut by date column |
Data Grid cut by overlapping date column |
Variable column |
Variable list column, supports variableSet |
Path hierarchy column |
Data Grid cut by table header |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
Key metrics scorecard column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColorFormatter |
Background color formatter |
gridDefaultBackgroundColorFormatter |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Column label |
target |
Column target |
value |
Value to calculate |
valueColorFormatter |
Value color formatter |
gridDefaultValueColorFormatter |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
column accounts
Accounts column settings
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
accountName |
Account name |
accountNameFormat |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
revenue |
Revenue |
revenueFormat |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
currencyDefaultFormatter |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortBy |
revenue |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
accountsDefaultView |
Suppression criteria for a column |
column actions
This object contains a set of actions which will be displayed differently depending on whether or not the report is being displayed on a mobile device.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
This object will be required if you want the user to be able to navigate to different pages. The name of the page to which the user is to be sent must be added into the column_action_navigate_to property, and you can also add a label. |
action navigate
This object will be required if you want the user to be able to navigate to different pages. The name of the page to which the user is to be sent must be added into the column_action_navigate_to property, and you can also add a label.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
label |
Add this property to the column_action_navigate object then input text to add a label to the action to inform the user of e.g. where they will be sent. |
to |
This property must be added to the column_action_navigate object and must include the name of the page to which the navigation process will take the user. |
column benchmark
The description of benchmark column. Can be used to define different properties of benchmark column.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
aggregateOnDimensions |
Switching it on enables value aggregation in dimension rows. |
Off |
On | Off |
benchmarkType |
Determines with which column (scores or breakdown) benchmarks will be compared |
score |
score | breakdown |
compareToPercent |
Switching it off enables comparison of benchmark number against raw numbers |
On |
On | Off |
format |
accepts a formatter that would format value |
label |
Title of column |
mode |
Difference is shown as plain number with conditional formatting in mode "number", and as a chart in mode "variance" |
variance |
number | variance |
option |
Name of scale option to compare benchmark value against. |
palette |
The colors of the benchmark. Just two color needed. One color will be used if one color specified |
#FA5263,#82D854 |
question |
The reference to question field in custom data. Must be have the same dataset and table as value property |
sorting |
Switching it on enables sorting for benchmark column by benchmark value. |
Off |
On | Off |
value |
The reference to value field in custom data. Must be have the same dataset and table as question property |
Override grid |
column breakdown
The description of breakdown column. Can be used to define different properties of breakdown column.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
aggregateOnDimensions |
Switching it on enables value aggregation in dimension rows |
Off |
On | Off |
format |
accepts a formatter that would format value |
label |
Title of column |
legend |
Switching it on enables legend |
Off |
On | Off |
palette |
The color of the score bar |
#4399d6,#ebedf0,#bfc5cc |
percent |
Switching it off enables raw numbers as bar values |
On |
On | Off |
sorting |
Switching it on enables sorting for scores column |
Off |
On | Off |
unit |
The unit postfix that will be used right after value label |
Override grid |
column currency
This object provides a standard way of displaying a currency. The default is $ in short-form; you can override the formatting to set up the look and feel as required by adding properties. You can add as many columns as required; each must have a unique name.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
currencyDefaultFormatter |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
valueDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
column cut
Data Grid cut column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
This property contains alignment for column header cell. |
left | center | right |
categories |
Filter for categories used |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
categoryLabel |
Category label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
collapseMulti |
When set to true, this header acts like 'cutByMulti' for multi-choice variables, while it has no effect on other types of valriables. |
true | false |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
true | false |
exclude |
An array of codes that should be excluded from sorting. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
notAnswered |
Not answered position |
none |
none | first | last |
notAnsweredLabel |
Not answered label |
showLabel |
Show label |
false |
true | false |
sortBy |
Path to column that data should be sorted by. |
sortIndex [Beta] |
Specify index of the header to be used in sorting. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. |
sortOrder |
Sort order |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
total |
Total position |
first |
none | first | last |
totalLabel |
Total label |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Data Grid column |
Data Grid cut by multi column |
Data Grid cut by date column |
Data Grid cut by overlapping date column |
Variable column |
Variable list column, supports variableSet |
Path hierarchy column |
Data Grid cut by table header |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
column cutByDate
Data Grid cut by date column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
Set this property to true if date range should be aligned |
true | false |
breakdownBy |
Here you input the time set that is to be used to divide up the Expression (year | calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate | quarter | month | week | day | weekday | hour). |
year |
year | calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate | quarter | month | week | day | weekday | hour |
categories |
Filter for categories used |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
categoryLabel |
Category label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
true | false |
end |
Contains description of range end and applies filter to the date expression. |
exclude |
An array of codes that should be excluded from sorting. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
movingAverageEnd |
This defines a number of date parts after current to include in average window |
movingAverageStart |
This defines a number of date parts before current to include in average window |
notAnswered |
Not answered position |
none |
none | first | last |
notAnsweredLabel |
Not answered label |
showLabel |
Show label |
false |
true | false |
sortBy |
Path to column that data should be sorted by. |
sortIndex [Beta] |
Specify index of the header to be used in sorting. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. |
sortOrder |
Sort order |
none | ascending | descending |
start |
Contains description of range start and applies filter to the date expression. |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
total |
Total position |
first |
none | first | last |
totalLabel |
Total label |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Data Grid cut by multi column |
Data Grid cut by overlapping date column |
Variable column |
Variable list column, supports variableSet |
Path hierarchy column |
Data Grid cut by table header |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
column cutByMulti
Data Grid cut by multi column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
This property contains alignment for column header cell. |
left | center | right |
categories |
Filter for categories used |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
categoryLabel |
Category label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
true | false |
exclude |
An array of codes that should be excluded from sorting. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
notAnswered |
Not answered position |
none |
none | first | last |
notAnsweredLabel |
Not answered label |
showLabel |
Show label |
false |
true | false |
sortBy |
Path to column that data should be sorted by. |
sortIndex [Beta] |
Specify index of the header to be used in sorting. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. |
sortOrder |
Sort order |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
total |
Total position |
first |
none | first | last |
totalLabel |
Total label |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Data Grid cut column |
Data Grid cut by date column |
Data Grid cut by overlapping date column |
Variable column |
Variable list column, supports variableSet |
Path hierarchy column |
Data Grid cut by table header |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
column cutByOverlappingDate
Data Grid cut by overlapping date column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
Set this property to true if date range should be aligned |
true | false |
breakdownBy |
Here you input the time set that is to be used to divide up the Expression (year | calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate | quarter | month | week | day | weekday | hour). |
year |
year | calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate | quarter | month | week | day | weekday | hour |
categories |
Filter for categories used |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
categoryLabel |
Category label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
true | false |
end |
Contains description of range end and applies filter to the date expression. |
endShift |
Modification of ends of breakdown intervals in the form '<value> <period>'. Here 'value' is an integer (both positive and negative). 'period' can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour'. If the property is absent, then ends of breakdown intervals will not be modified. Be aware that not all possible periods are valid for each breakdown interval. For example, if you breakdown dates by CalendarMonth you cannot then shift them by quarters. Also, shifts by weeks is only available for breakdown by weeks. |
exclude |
An array of codes that should be excluded from sorting. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
notAnswered |
Not answered position |
none |
none | first | last |
notAnsweredLabel |
Not answered label |
showLabel |
Show label |
false |
true | false |
sortBy |
Path to column that data should be sorted by. |
sortIndex [Beta] |
Specify index of the header to be used in sorting. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. |
sortOrder |
Sort order |
none | ascending | descending |
start |
Contains description of range start and applies filter to the date expression. |
startShift |
Modification of starts of breakdown intervals in the form '<value> <period>'. Here 'value' is an integer (both positive and negative). 'period' can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour'. If the property is absent, then starts of breakdown intervals will not be modified. Be aware, that not all possible periods are valid for each breakdown interval. For example, if you breakdown dates by CalendarMonth, you cannot then shift them by quarter. Also, shifts by weeks is only available for breakdown by weeks. |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
total |
Total position |
first |
none | first | last |
totalLabel |
Total label |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Data Grid cut by date column |
Variable column |
Variable list column, supports variableSet |
Path hierarchy column |
Data Grid cut by table header |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
column cutByScope
Data Grid cut by scope column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
This property contains alignment for column header cell. |
left | center | right |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
categoryLabel |
Category label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
true | false |
exclude |
An array of codes that should be excluded from sorting. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
mainLabel |
Label for the main scope column |
notAnswered |
Not answered position |
none |
none | first | last |
notAnsweredLabel |
Not answered label |
otherLabel |
Label for the secondary scope column |
showLabel |
Show label |
false |
true | false |
sortBy |
Path to column that data should be sorted by. |
sortIndex [Beta] |
Specify index of the header to be used in sorting. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. |
sortOrder |
Sort order |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
total |
Total position |
first |
none | first | last |
totalLabel |
Total label |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Entity, that specifies the reporting periods that are used in cut |
Data Grid cut by table header |
column cutByTable
Data Grid cut by table header
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
This property contains alignment for column header cell. |
left | center | right |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
Common label for a whole column |
labels |
A list of expressions to create labels for all levels of the header. |
showLabel |
Show label |
false |
true | false |
sortBy |
Path to column that data should be sorted by. |
sortOrder |
Sort order |
none | ascending | descending |
table |
The table that this header is based on |
take |
The number of items to take |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Path hierarchy column |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
column date
This object provides a standard way of rendering column with formatted date value. The default date formatter applied to this column displays dates in short-form e.g. "17 Jan '17".
You can override the default formatting to change the look and feel as required by specifying a custom value for the format
property. You can add as many columns as required; each must have a unique name.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
dateDefaultFormatter |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
valueDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
column deviation
Show icons for standard deviations on questions scores.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
highDeviation |
Describe high deviation number value or an object |
label |
Title of column |
lowDeviation |
Describe low deviation number value or an object |
normalize |
Normalize question score values to 1-100 scores |
On |
On | Off |
sorting |
Switching it on enables sorting for scores deviation column |
Off |
On | Off |
lowDeviation/highDeviation properties can be overwritten for different grids. |
column dimension
The description of dimension column. Can be used to define different properties of dimension column. This one is always rendered even if not specified explicitly on the hierarchical tab.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
icons |
Switching it on enables icons |
On |
On | Off |
label |
Title of column |
column expirationProgress
This object adds a column containing a colored bar for each row in the table, which indicates the current expiry status for that row. E.g. gray for unexpired, orange for nearing expiry, and red for expired.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activationDate |
Formula or question ID / alias |
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
daysNotice |
Formula or question ID / alias |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
expireDate |
Formula or question ID / alias |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortBy |
This object sorts the table by the statuses in the expiry progress column. |
expireDate |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
expirationProgressDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
This object contains the tooltip text that will be displayed under the cell when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it. |
Suppression criteria for a column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
criteria |
Expression used to evaluate suppression |
label |
Text showed in case of suppression |
tooltip value
This object contains the tooltip text that will be displayed under the cell when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
column hierarchy
This object adds a hierarchy column that is filtered by default to only show the parent Level of the hierarchy; the child levels are collapsed. It adds an expand button to allow the user to toggle between the hierarchy and the flat views. Note that the data must be in the form of a hierarchy, and the widget must have the hierarchy property set.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
labelPostfix |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
valueDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
This object contains the tooltip text that will be displayed under the cell when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it. |
Suppression criteria for a column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
criteria |
Expression used to evaluate suppression |
label |
Text showed in case of suppression |
tooltip value
This object contains the tooltip text that will be displayed under the cell when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
column icon
This object defines a standard way of displaying an icon column. You can override the formatting to change the look and feel as required.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
icon |
Formula or question ID / alias |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
labelPostfix |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
iconDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
column link
This object provides a standard way of displaying a link. You can override the formatting to change the look and feel as required.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
copyLinkDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
Simple link. |
Link to some survey. |
Link to some question of survey. |
Link to some block of survey. |
Suppression criteria for a column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
criteria |
Expression used to evaluate suppression |
label |
Text showed in case of suppression |
link href
Simple link.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
address |
Address of link (url). |
Parameter inside of link (url param). |
link survey
Link to some survey.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
respid |
Identifier of respondent. |
survey |
Identifier of survey. Link will point to this survey. |
Parameter inside of link (url param). |
link surveyQuestion
Link to some question of survey.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
questionId |
Question ID in specified survey. |
respid |
Identifier of respondent. |
survey |
Identifier of survey. Link will point to this survey. |
Parameter inside of link (url param). |
column metric
This object defines a standard way of displaying a metrics column. You can override the formatting to change the look and feel as required by adding properties. You can add as many columns as required; each must have a unique name.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
floatDefaultFormatter |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
previous |
Formula or question ID / alias |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
target |
Formula or question ID / alias |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
metricDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
column pathHierarchy
Path hierarchy column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
This property contains alignment for column header cell. |
left | center | right |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
reportingHierarchy |
Name of hierarchy configuration |
showTotal |
Enables total |
true |
true | false |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Variable list column, supports variableSet |
Data Grid cut by table header |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
column question
The description of question column. Can be used to define different properties of question column. This one is always rendered even if not specified explicitly on the hierarchical and flat tabs.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
label |
Title of column |
column response
The response column is a mandatory column type for the recent responses widget. Note that it can also be used in other table-like widgets. A column cell has a configurable header and footer, and a content Block.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
comment |
This object specifies the content that is to be displayed in the main (central) part of the column cell. This will usually be a vpath to an open text variable, though any calculated expressions can be presented. |
commentFormat |
This defines the identifier (name) of the custom formatter that is to be applied to the comment text that is displayed in the response column cell. |
valueDefaultFormatter |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
comment |
footer |
This object defines the content that will be displayed as a footer under the comment text in the response column cell. A date value is expected. |
footerFormat |
This object contains the identifier of the custom formatter that is to be applied to the footer displayed in the response column cell under the comment text. |
dateDefaultFormatter |
header |
This object defines the content that will be displayed as a header above the comment text in the response column cell. The property accepts calculated expressions or plain text. |
headerFormat |
This object contains the identifier of the custom formatter that is to be applied to the header displayed in the response column cell above the comment text. |
valueDefaultFormatter |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
defaultCommentView |
Suppression criteria for a column |
This defines if text analytics is presented in response column |
column response
The response column is a mandatory column for the comments widget. The resulting column cell has a configurable header and footer, and the content block is filled according to the group question selected in the drop-down menu.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
comment |
This object specifies the content that is to be displayed in the main (central) part of the column cell. This will usually be a vpath to an open text variable, though any calculated expressions can be presented. |
commentFormat |
This defines the identifier (name) of the custom formatter that is to be applied to the comment text that is displayed in the response column cell. |
valueDefaultFormatter |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
comment |
footer |
This object defines the content that will be displayed as a footer under the comment text in the response column cell. A date value is expected. |
footerFormat |
This object contains the identifier of the custom formatter that is to be applied to the footer displayed in the response column cell under the comment text. |
dateDefaultFormatter |
header |
This object defines the content that will be displayed as a header above the comment text in the response column cell. The property accepts calculated expressions or plain text. |
headerFormat |
This object contains the identifier of the custom formatter that is to be applied to the header displayed in the response column cell above the comment text. |
valueDefaultFormatter |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
defaultCommentView |
Suppression criteria for a column |
This defines if text analytics is presented in response column |
column responseRate
This defines the column in which the percentage of surveys that are completed is presented.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
COUNT(:responseId, :status = "complete") * 100 / COUNT(:responseId) |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
valueDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
column score
The description of scores column. Can be used to define different properties of scores column. This one will be rendered as default column if no columns are specified (not including questions column).
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
aggregateOnDimensions |
Switching it on enables value aggregation in dimension rows |
Off |
On | Off |
format |
accepts a formatter that would format value |
label |
Title of column |
mode |
Switching it enables displaying scores like numbers or like barchart |
barchart |
number | barchart |
palette |
The color palette of the score bar |
#4399d6 |
sorting |
Switching it on enables sorting for scores column |
Off |
On | Off |
unit |
The unit postfix that will be used right after value label |
Override grid |
column value
This object defines a standard way of displaying a value column. You can override the formatting to change the look and feel as required by adding properties. You can add as many columns as required; each must have a unique name.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
labelPostfix |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
valueDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
This object contains the tooltip text that will be displayed under the cell when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it. |
Suppression criteria for a column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
criteria |
Expression used to evaluate suppression |
label |
Text showed in case of suppression |
tooltip value
This object contains the tooltip text that will be displayed under the cell when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
column valueIcon
This object provides a standard way of displaying a value icon column. You can override the formatting to change the look and feel as required.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
icon |
Formula or question ID / alias |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
labelPostfix |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
valueDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
column valueWithDetails
This object provides a standard way of displaying a 'value with details' column. You can override the formatting to change the look and feel as required.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
This object aligns the column cell content. Note that it may be overridden by a |
left | center | right |
details |
Formula or question ID / alias |
enableColumnFilter |
This option enables filtering by column value in the column header. Not all value expressions are supported at the moment. Known limitations: derived variables, aggregation functions without aggregation target and some others |
false |
true | false |
filterable |
Add this property to make the column filterable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
filterBy |
This option defines field name for which filter should be applied |
value |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
valueDefaultFormatter |
label |
This object defines the text that is to be displayed in the column header. |
rowHeader |
This object emphasizes the text in the column intended to be the row header such that it stands out compared to the other columns. |
false |
true | false |
show |
Add this property to control column visibility (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
sortable |
Add this property to make the column sortable (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
totalExpression |
Add a custom expression to calculate the total value of the column. |
value |
Formula or question ID / alias |
view |
This is the identifier of a View, where the View is a special case of a formatter which is responsible for the UI (a formatter is normally used for data transformation). A View must be specified if non-default behavior is needed |
valueWithDetailsDefaultView |
width |
This property specifies column width |
Suppression criteria for a column |
column variable
Variable column
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
This property contains alignment for column header cell. |
left | center | right |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
variable |
Formula or question ID / alias |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Data Grid cut by overlapping date column |
Variable list column, supports variableSet |
Path hierarchy column |
Data Grid cut by table header |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
column variableList
Variable list column, supports variableSet
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
activeColumns |
Use this property to reorder or hide columns by specifying desired list of column names |
align |
This property contains alignment for column header cell. |
left | center | right |
categoriesForRank |
Filter for categories used in ranking |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to remove header from widget response. |
false |
true | false |
label |
The label, accepts template values, for example: "{code} - {label}" |
variableSet |
width |
Column width in CSS units (px - pixels, mm - millimeters, cm - centimeters, in - inches, rem) |
Variable column |
Path hierarchy column |
Data Grid cut by table header |
Data Grid cut by scope column |
column visualScore
The description of visualScore column. Can be used to define different properties of visualScore column.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
aggregateOnDimensions |
Switching it on enables value aggregation in dimension rows |
Off |
On | Off |
icons |
No need to specify off icon for mode "icon". Can be overwritten for different dimensions. |
label |
Title of column |
mode |
Define a way to show value with icons |
range |
range | point | icon |
sorting |
Switching it on enables sorting for column |
Off |
On | Off |