view bar
Default view settings for the bar item
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
chartColorFormat |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
surveyResponseColorDefaultFormatter |
view camelCSS
This is a preset type of view that allows you to style an item or text in a tile with cascading style sheets (CSS) using camelCase
. Camel case is the practice of writing compound words such that each word or abbreviation in the middle of the phrase begins with a capital letter, for example camelCase.
view cellVisualization
Visualization view for cell in data grid widget
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColor |
Background color |
valueColor |
Value color |
view chart
This block defines chart view settings. You can use this configuration block to redefine default chart view settings.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
color |
The color of the filled in chart sector. |
max |
This property defines the maximum value of the displayed value range scale. |
100 |
min |
This property defines the minimum value of the displayed value range scale. |
0 |
size |
Defines the size of the chart. |
view collection
Represents a collection of items as format string.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
containerStyle |
Container style. |
defaults |
Predefined set of additional options. |
formatString |
Format string for an item. |
itemStyle |
Item style. |
palette |
Palette name. |
separator |
Separator string between items. |
view comment
This is a preset view configuration for displaying multi-line text, which by default has 3 lines. This view is available as defaultCommentView when you specify the view for a column. You also may define your own view based on this one to redefine default settings. You can have multiple view_comment objects in a report; each object must have a unique name.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
lines |
Defines the number of lines for multi-line text. |
3 |
view comparativeStatistic
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColorFormatter |
Background color formatter |
gridDefaultBackgroundColorFormatter |
valueColorFormatter |
Value color formatter |
gridDefaultValueColorFormatter |
view expirationProgress
A preset view configuration for displaying a progress bar to track the current date related to the expiry date. Note that this property will normally be unnecessary unless you want to redefine some default settings.
view icon
This block defines icon view settings. You can use this configuration block to redefine default icon view settings.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
height |
Defines the height of the icon. |
roundCorner |
Displays icons with rounded corners (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
size |
Defines the size of the icon. Ignored if width and/or height are used. |
width |
Defines the width of the icon. |
view iconText
This block defines icon view settings. You can use this configuration block to redefine default icon view settings.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
roundCorner |
Displays icons with rounded corners (true | false). |
true |
true | false |
size |
Defines the size of the icon. Ignored if width and/or height are used. |
view keyValueLink
A view that renders link (does not apply any wrapping)
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
label |
Link label |
newTab |
Include this if you want to open the link in a new window |
true |
true | false |
view layout
stack layout view
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
wrap |
Allow text from to wrap |
false |
true | false |
view link
A view that renders link (does not apply any wrapping)
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
enableCopy |
Setting this property to true will enable a copy button for the link value |
false |
true | false |
label |
Link label |
newTab |
Include this if you want to open the link in a new window |
true |
true | false |
view list
Selector, that looks like list of checboxes or radiobuttons
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
direction |
vertical |
vertical | horizontal |
view listBox
View resembling a table with customizable columns and selectable rows
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
height |
width |
Specifies a table column for displaying specific details of selector items |
view meanTest
Mean test view for data grid widget
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColorFormatter |
Background color formatter |
gridDefaultBackgroundColorFormatter |
valueColorFormatter |
Value color formatter |
gridDefaultValueColorFormatter |
view metric
This item creates a colored tile with a centered, colored digit of predefined width inside it. The tile is used to present metric data, and includes an arrow (up or down) or a flat icon located to the right of the digit to indicate how the value has changed from the previous period.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColorFormatter |
Formatter for background color of a view |
fontSize |
Use this property to specify the font size of the digit in the tile (large | medium | small). |
small |
small | medium | large |
palette |
Palette for background color of a view |
roundCorners |
Include this property to round off the corners of the tile (true | false). |
false |
true | false |
valueColorFormatter |
Formatter for number color |
view metricWithBar
Displays a colored box with a centered colored digit of predefined width inside it progress bar chart
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColorFormatter |
Formatter for background color of a view |
chartColorFormatter |
Formatter for progress bar (thermometer) |
fontSize |
Use this property to specify the font size of the digit in the tile (large | medium | small). |
small |
small | medium | large |
palette |
Palette for background color of a view |
roundCorners |
Include this property to round off the corners of the tile (true | false). |
false |
true | false |
showThermometer |
Show thermometer (true | false) |
true |
true | false |
valueColorFormatter |
Formatter for number color |
view metricWithChange
This item creates a colored tile with a centered, colored digit of predefined width inside it. The tile is used to present metric data, and includes an arrow (up or down) or a flat icon located to the right of the digit to indicate how the value has changed from the previous period.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColorFormatter |
Formatter for background color of a view |
fontSize |
Use this property to specify the font size of the digit in the tile (large | medium | small). |
small |
small | medium | large |
palette |
Palette for background color of a view |
roundCorners |
Include this property to round off the corners of the tile (true | false). |
false |
true | false |
valueColorFormatter |
Formatter for number color |
view numeric
This view displays a filled percent value. You can use this configuration block to redefine default numeric view settings.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
max |
The max value, which will be used along with the value to determine what percentage of the icon(s) is filled |
100 |
view progressBar
progress bar view
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
format |
progress bar color formatter |
view proportionalTest
Proportional test view for data grid widget
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColorFormatter |
Background color formatter |
gridDefaultBackgroundColorFormatter |
valueColorFormatter |
Value color formatter |
gridDefaultValueColorFormatter |
view quotaWithBar
Displays a percentage value with a progress bar.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
colorFormatter |
Formatter for progress bar. |
valueFormatter |
Formatter for percentage labels. |
percentDefaultFormatter |
view rowHeaderVisualization
Visualization view for row header in data grid widget
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
backgroundColor |
Background color |
valueColor |
Value color |
view statistic
statistic view
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
color |
This specifies the color of the statistic value |
#000000 |
fontWeight |
Font weight of statistic value (normal | bold). |
normal |
normal | bold |
removeBrackets |
This removes brackets from the significance test statistic |
false |
true | false |
view svg
Represents data in svg view.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
viewBox |
View box of svg. |
Defines a group of shapes in polar coordinates. |
Defines a group of shapes in cartesian coordinates. Horizontal group values map on the X axis and vertical group values map on the Y axis. |
Defines a group of shapes in cartesian coordinates. Horizontal group values map on the X axis and vertical group values map on the Y axis. |
group polar
Defines a group of shapes in polar coordinates.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
cx |
X coordinate of the group center. |
cy |
Y coordinate of the group center. |
endAngle |
End angle in polar coordinates. Associated with 'max'. |
innerRadius |
Default inner radius for shapes in the group. |
max |
Maximum value. It is associated with 'endAngle' in polar group, and 'endX'/'endY' in cartesian group. |
min |
Minimum value. It is associated with 'startAngle' in polar group, and 'startX'/'startY' in cartesian group. |
outerRadius |
Default outer radius for shapes in the group. |
radiusBy |
Calculate percent value radius by height or width. Default by height. |
width | height |
startAngle |
Start angle in polar coordinates. Associated with 'min'. |
Defines a group of sectors in polar system. |
Defines a custom shape in polar system. |
shape sectors
Defines a group of sectors in polar system.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
color |
Color for sector |
cornerRadius |
Corner radius for sectors. |
innerRadius |
Inner radius of the sectors. |
outerRadius |
Outer radius of the sectors. |
padAngle |
Padding angle of the sectors. |
palette |
Name of the palette to use. |
defaultColorPalette |
radiusBy |
Calculate percent value radius by height or width. Default by height. |
width | height |
value |
A vector value whose each element forms one sector. |
valueType |
The type of the 'value'. Cumulative type means that the value of each subsequent element in a vector includes the value of the previous one. |
cumulative | nonCumulative |
Scale of the sectors. |
shape custom
Defines a custom shape in polar system.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
angle |
The value based on which the angle in the polar group will be taken. |
radius |
Radius in the polar group where the shape will be placed. |
rotate |
If set to true, the shape will be rotated according to the angle. |
true |
true | false |
value |
The content of the custom shape. |
group cartesianH
Defines a group of shapes in cartesian coordinates. Horizontal group values map on the X axis and vertical group values map on the Y axis.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
cx |
X coordinate of the group center. |
cy |
Y coordinate of the group center. |
endX |
End X coordinate in horizontal cartesian coordinates. Associated with 'max'. |
max |
Maximum value. It is associated with 'endAngle' in polar group, and 'endX'/'endY' in cartesian group. |
min |
Minimum value. It is associated with 'startAngle' in polar group, and 'startX'/'startY' in cartesian group. |
startX |
Start X coordinate in horizontal cartesian coordinates. Associated with 'min'. |
Defines a group of sectors in cartesian system. |
Defines a custom shape in cartesian system. |
shape sectors
Defines a group of sectors in cartesian system.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
color |
Color for sector |
cornerRadius |
Corner radius for sectors. |
endX |
End X/Y coordinate. |
padding |
Padding of the sectors. |
palette |
Name of the palette to use. |
defaultColorPalette |
startX |
Start X/Y coordinate. |
value |
A vector value whose each element forms one sector. |
valueType |
The type of the 'value'. Cumulative type means that the value of each subsequent element in a vector includes the value of the previous one. |
cumulative | nonCumulative |
Scale of the sectors. |
shape custom
Defines a custom shape in cartesian system.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
value |
The content of the custom shape. |
x |
X coordinate. In horizontal cartesian coordinates it’s limited with min and max, startX and endX. |
y |
Y coordinate. In vertical cartesian coordinates it’s limited with min and max, startY and endY. |
group cartesianV
Defines a group of shapes in cartesian coordinates. Horizontal group values map on the X axis and vertical group values map on the Y axis.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
cx |
X coordinate of the group center. |
cy |
Y coordinate of the group center. |
endY |
End Y coordinate in vertical cartesian coordinates. Associated with 'max'. |
max |
Maximum value. It is associated with 'endAngle' in polar group, and 'endX'/'endY' in cartesian group. |
min |
Minimum value. It is associated with 'startAngle' in polar group, and 'startX'/'startY' in cartesian group. |
startY |
Start Y coordinate in vertical cartesian coordinates. Associated with 'min'. |
Defines a group of sectors in cartesian system. |
Defines a custom shape in cartesian system. |
shape sectors
Defines a group of sectors in cartesian system.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
color |
Color for sector |
cornerRadius |
Corner radius for sectors. |
endX |
End X/Y coordinate. |
padding |
Padding of the sectors. |
palette |
Name of the palette to use. |
defaultColorPalette |
startX |
Start X/Y coordinate. |
value |
A vector value whose each element forms one sector. |
valueType |
The type of the 'value'. Cumulative type means that the value of each subsequent element in a vector includes the value of the previous one. |
cumulative | nonCumulative |
Scale of the sectors. |
shape custom
Defines a custom shape in cartesian system.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
value |
The content of the custom shape. |
x |
X coordinate. In horizontal cartesian coordinates it’s limited with min and max, startX and endX. |
y |
Y coordinate. In vertical cartesian coordinates it’s limited with min and max, startY and endY. |