widget initiativeTimeline
Widget displaying initiatives and a trend chart on a same time scale
Available properties
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
animation |
Use chart animation |
false |
true | false |
cardAlign |
This sets the widget card row alignment (top | center | bottom | none) |
none |
top | center | bottom | none |
dataSet |
The name of dataset which will be used to resolve incomplete vpath |
defaultList |
The default list to be selected. |
description |
Description (widget header) |
ganttPalette |
The status block palette for the gantt chart |
hide |
Hide item |
true | false | pdf | web |
ignoreFilters |
A list of filter names to ignore. Container name can be used to ignore group of filters (e.g name of layout area) |
ignoreFiscalCalendar |
This allows you to use standard calendar instead of fiscal one |
true | false |
ignoreWeights |
Use this property to specify any weights that have been defined but are to be ignored at this time. If the list contains multiple items, separate the items with comma. |
includeLists |
The lists to include in the list selector dropdown. If omitted all lists are included. |
label |
Label (widget header) |
navigateTo |
Page to navigate to or a cross-document link entity |
showWidgetHeader |
Shows widget header. True by default. |
true | false |
size |
This defines the size of the widget when it is displayed on the Dashboard. |
small |
small | medium | halfwidth | large |
stacking |
This controls widget stacking in a column |
none |
start | stack | none |
table |
The table that holds the Action Planner data |
trendPalette |
The line and area gradient palette for the trend chart |
useOnlySources |
This defines the sources used by the widget to fetch data from. |
useWeights |
This property holds a list of the weights that are to be used by default. |
via |
Table(s) for join path conflict resolution |
viaStrategy |
Join path conflict resolution strategy |
default | shortest |
widgetVariant |
Widget variant |
default | subtle | emphasised |
Available objects
Name | Description | |||
Selector allows you to select option and exposes property 'selected' which can be referenced from any place |
This is a set of rules used to limit access to particular resources (a page, a widget etc). The rules are joined by logical AND, meaning all the rules must be true for the resource to be shown. |
This is widget documentation; information about the widget that is provided by the dashboard designer to the end report viewer. This allows the designer to add custom content for the widget "info" to provide the user with information necessary to understand the visualisation, type of analysis performed, data, etc. for example details about the risk model applied in the Risk assessment. |
The Toolbar widget is typically used to highlight key information in a simple text format and a selector. |
Suppression criteria for a widget |
Options for optimization |
Expression filter |
This allows variables for a date filter to be redefined |
This allows a level for a filter to be redefined |
Changes the reporting period from default / selected in the filter to different one |
Changes the reporting hierarchy nodes to be used from default/selected in filter to different one |
Changes applied filter to to different one |
This action requests Data Engine to automatically apply a filter to a dependent (target) level when a source level is filtered |
Line chart type |
Area chart type |
Category date section |
Category overlapping date section |
Series section |
Selector |
Chart primary axis |
Selector allows you to select option and exposes property 'selected' which can be referenced from any place
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
applyOnEvent |
This property buffers changes to the local state of the select. Changes are not applied directly to the model, but are stored and only applied when a specified event occurs. |
background |
Set the background of the select; currently this only supports transparent as an option |
transparent |
compareBy |
This property allows the selection check in the selector to be based on any option’s property, instead of the default value. By setting compareBy to this.label or this.id, you can customize the attribute used to determine which option is selected. |
defaultOption |
Use this property to set default option for select |
delay |
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait before applying the selector, effective in 'multi' mode |
label |
Label of selector |
mode |
Use this property to switch select type from single-choice to multi-choice |
multi | single |
onDefaultChange |
Use this property to change behavior of selector when defaultOption is changed dynamically |
reset | resetAndApply |
options |
List of options, consist of entities with mainType 'item' and properties 'value' and 'label' |
preserveState |
This property determines whether the previous selection will remain when the select is shown again. If set to true, the previous selection will persist each time the select is made visible. |
true | false |
resetOnEvent |
This property resets the state of the select even if it’s buffered. |
selected |
Selected option value, it is set by system automatically, depends on user choice |
selectedProperty |
Entity with properties of entity within value, it is set by system automatically, depends on user choice |
An action that allows setting a specific option in a selector. |
An action that enables the sending of a command capable of triggering various logic in different parts of the dashboard |
An action that closes modal |
View resembling a table with customizable columns and selectable rows |
Selector, that looks like list of checboxes or radiobuttons |
Selector, that looks like tabs |
action setSelector
An action that allows setting a specific option in a selector.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
compareBy |
This property allows the selection check in the selector to be based on any option’s property, instead of the default value. By setting compareBy to this.label or this.id, you can customize the attribute used to determine which option is selected. |
select |
A reference that specifies the select entity in which the option should be selected. |
value |
Specifies the value of the option to be selected. |
The Toolbar widget is typically used to highlight key information in a simple text format and a selector.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
A button located within the widget’s toolbar |
A button located within the widget’s toolbar
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
label |
A menu option that opens upon clicking, which |
An action that navigates to other page |
An action that allows setting a specific option in a selector. |
An action that can open infobox with defined text and header |
An action that can be initiated by either clicking a button or selecting a menu option. It encompasses various types of actions, including navigation, exporting, and more |
An action that enables the sending of a command capable of triggering various logic in different parts of the dashboard |
An action that closes modal |
A menu option that opens upon clicking, which
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
label |
An action that navigates to other page |
An action that can open infobox with defined text and header |
An action that can be initiated by either clicking a button or selecting a menu option. It encompasses various types of actions, including navigation, exporting, and more |
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
navigateFilter |
Formula or question ID / alias |
navigateHistory |
Keep previous navigation filters |
false |
true | false |
navigateTo |
Page to navigate to or a cross-document link entity |
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
info |
label |
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
format |
Specifies the desired format for the exported file |
png |
png | default |
action navigate
An action that navigates to other page
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
navigateFilter |
Formula or question ID / alias |
navigateHistory |
Keep previous navigation filters |
false |
true | false |
navigateTo |
Page to navigate to or a cross-document link entity |
action showInfobox
An action that can open infobox with defined text and header
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
info |
label |
action export
An action that can be initiated by either clicking a button or selecting a menu option. It encompasses various types of actions, including navigation, exporting, and more
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
format |
Specifies the desired format for the exported file |
png |
png | default |
Suppression criteria for a widget
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
criteria |
Expression used to evaluate suppression |
label |
Text showed in case of suppression |
overrideFilter date
This allows variables for a date filter to be redefined
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
dateVariables |
This property defines data fields for the date filter |
level |
This property specifies a level which selection in filter should be applied to |
name |
This property specifies the name of the filter that is to be redefined |
via |
This property specifies an intermediate level to be used to join not directly related levels: level at which filter is defined and level where filter should be applied to |
overrideFilter level
This allows a level for a filter to be redefined
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
level |
This property specifies a level which selection in filter should be applied to |
name |
This property specifies the name of the filter that is to be redefined |
via |
This property specifies an intermediate level to be used to join not directly related levels: level at which filter is defined and level where filter should be applied to |
scope reportingPeriod
Changes the reporting period from default / selected in the filter to different one
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
applyTo |
References to attribute of date variable from dataSet, if omitted then date variables apply for are not changed |
period |
Defining a new reporting period |
AllData | YoY | Previous | Current |
scope reportingHierarchy
Changes the reporting hierarchy nodes to be used from default/selected in filter to different one
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
mode |
Changes the reporting hierarchy mode |
direct | rollup |
nodeIds |
Changes the reporting hierarchy nodes from default / selected in the filter to particular nodes |
nodes |
Changes the reporting hierarchy nodes from default / selected in the filter to different one |
AllData | ParentsFromTop | ParentsFromCurrent | Roots | Children | Base |
reportingHierarchy |
Reporting hierarchy name |
scope filter
Changes applied filter to to different one
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
name |
Defining a scope filter name |
value |
Defining a scope filter value |
This action requests Data Engine to automatically apply a filter to a dependent (target) level when a source level is filtered
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
dropOriginal |
This flag allows to skip apply of the filter on 'source' level |
false |
true | false |
from |
A level reference specifying the source level |
to |
A level reference specifying the target level |
chart line
Line chart type
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
connectNulls |
Whether to connect a graph line across null points. |
true |
true | false |
dotColorFormat |
Conditional formatter for dot color. |
dotSize |
Dot size |
3 |
legendType |
The interpolation type of line |
line | square | rect | circle | cross | diamond | square | star | triangle | wye | none |
lineType |
The interpolation type of line |
basis | basisClosed | basisOpen | linear | linearClosed | natural | monotoneX | monotoneY | monotone | step | stepBefore | stepAfter |
lineWidth |
This property allows to specify the custom width for the chart lines. |
2 |
showBase |
Show number of responses |
false |
true | false |
showBaseInTooltip |
Show base of a series in tooltip |
true |
true | false |
showDotValue |
Specifies whether the dot value is to be displayed or not. |
false |
true | false |
style |
Define which style of chart to render |
comparison_line | comparison_bar |
chart area
Area chart type
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
connectNulls |
Whether to connect a graph line across null points. |
true |
true | false |
dotColorFormat |
Conditional formatter for dot color. |
dotSize |
Dot size |
3 |
gradientFill |
Changes the fill to a gradient based on the offset values provided |
legendType |
The interpolation type of line |
line | square | rect | circle | cross | diamond | square | star | triangle | wye | none |
lineType |
The interpolation type of line |
basis | basisClosed | basisOpen | linear | linearClosed | natural | monotoneX | monotoneY | monotone | step | stepBefore | stepAfter |
lineWidth |
This property allows to specify the custom width for the chart lines. |
2 |
mode |
This property changes the chart mode. |
clustered |
stacked | stacked100Percent | clustered |
showBaseInTooltip |
Show base of a series in tooltip |
true |
true | false |
stackId |
The stack ID of the bar. When two bars have the same value axis and the same stackId, then the two bars are stacked in the order in which they appear in the CDL. |
category date
Category date section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
Set this property to true if date range should be aligned |
true | false |
breakdownBy |
This property specifies the time period(s) that is to be used to break down the cut. Allowed values are: ‘calendarQuarter’, ‘calendarMonth’, ‘calendarWeek’, ‘calendarDay’. ‘CalendarQuarter’ returns the information as year and quarter, in the format 'YYYYQQ'. ‘CalendarMonth’ returns the data as year and month in the format 'YYYYMM'. ‘CalendarDay’ returns the data as year, month and day in the format 'YYYYMMDD'. |
year |
calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate |
categories |
Filter for categories used |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
end |
Contains description of range end, applies filter to the date expression. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
movingAverageEnd |
This defines a number of date parts after current to include in average window |
movingAverageStart |
This defines a number of date parts before current to include in average window |
palette |
Here you define the custom list of colors that are to be applied to the lines in the category. |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
start |
Contains description of range start, applies filter to the date expression. |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
Chart report base |
Expression filter |
Changes applied filter to to different one |
Changes the reporting period from default / selected in the filter to different one |
Changes the reporting hierarchy nodes to be used from default/selected in filter to different one |
category overlappingDate
Category overlapping date section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
Set this property to true if date range should be aligned |
true | false |
breakdownBy |
This property specifies the time period(s) that is to be used to break down the cut. Allowed values are: ‘calendarQuarter’, ‘calendarMonth’, ‘calendarWeek’, ‘calendarDay’. ‘CalendarQuarter’ returns the information as year and quarter, in the format 'YYYYQQ'. ‘CalendarMonth’ returns the data as year and month in the format 'YYYYMM'. ‘CalendarDay’ returns the data as year, month and day in the format 'YYYYMMDD'. |
year |
calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate |
categories |
Filter for categories used |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
end |
Contains description of range end, applies filter to the date expression. |
endShift |
Modification of ends of breakdown intervals in the form '<value> <period>'. Here 'value' is integer (both positive and negative). 'period' can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour'. If the property is absent, then the ends of the breakdown intervals will not be modified. Be aware that not all possible periods are valid for each breakdown interval. For example, if you breakdown dates by CalendarMonth you cannot then shift them by quarters. Also, shifts by weeks is only available for breakdown by weeks. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
palette |
Here you define the custom list of colors that are to be applied to the lines in the category. |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
start |
Contains description of range start, applies filter to the date expression. |
startShift |
Modification of starts of breakdown intervals in the form '<value> <period>'. Here 'value' is an integer (both positive and negative). 'period' can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour'. If the property is absent, then starts of breakdown intervals will not be modified. Be aware that not all possible periods are valid for each breakdown interval. For example, if you breakdown dates by CalendarMonth you cannot then shift them by quarters. Also, shifts by weeks is only available for breakdown by weeks. |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
Chart report base |
Series section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
base |
A valid expression for calculating the base of a series. |
compare |
Comparison mode for significance testing, 'parent' will compare among the hierarchy, 'next', 'first', 'last', 'previous' - compares column or row with next/first/etc column or row. 'adjacent' compares column with adjacent column. (Same as 'previous', preserved for compatability reasons), |
adjacent | parent | all | previous | next | first | last | totalexclusive |
confidenceLevels |
Significance testing confidence levels |
80 | 90 | 95 | 98 | 99 | 99.8 |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
isSecondary |
false |
true | false |
label |
A valid value expression in table engine. |
navigateFilter |
Formula or question ID / alias |
navigateHistory |
Keep previous navigation filters |
false |
true | false |
navigateTo |
Page to navigate to or a cross-document link entity |
palette |
Here you define the custom list of colors that are to be applied to the lines in the series. |
percentOver |
The value will be calculated as a percentage of a full bar. It could be calculated over series or over categories. |
series | categories |
significanceTesting |
Enables significance testings. Note: it is not available for multi and overlapping date categories, Pie, Radar and intra-series breakdown charts. |
true | false |
threshold |
Sample threshold for significance test evaluation. If the value is specified then a test is not computed for smaller samples. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine. |
Breakdown by cut section |
Breakdown by cut by multi section |
Breakdown by date section |
Breakdown by overlapping date section |
Chart series transfer schema |
This code block creates a Bar chart |
Area chart type |
Line chart type |
Specifies that the chart is to be presented as a pie chart and provides available settings for that type of chart. |
This code block specifies that the chart is to be presented as a radar chart and provides available settings for that type of chart. |
breakdownBy cut
Breakdown by cut section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
categories |
Filter for categories used |
collapseMulti |
When set to true, this header acts like 'cutByMulti' for multi-choice variables, while it has no effect on other types of valriables. |
true | false |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
breakdownBy cutByMulti
Breakdown by cut by multi section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
categories |
Filter for categories used |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
breakdownBy date
Breakdown by date section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
Set this property to true if date range should be aligned |
true | false |
breakdownBy |
Here you input the time set that is to be used to divide up the Expression (year | calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate | quarter | month | week | day | weekday | hour). |
year |
year | calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate | quarter | month | week | day | weekday | hour |
categories |
Filter for categories used |
end |
This contains the definition of the range end, and applies a filter to the date expression. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
movingAverageEnd |
This defines a number of date parts after current to include in average window |
movingAverageStart |
This defines a number of date parts before current to include in average window |
start |
This contains the definition of the range start, and applies a filter to the date expression. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
breakdownBy overlappingDate
Breakdown by overlapping date section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
align |
Set this property to true if date range should be aligned |
true | false |
breakdownBy |
Here you input the time set that is to be used to divide up the Expression (year | calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate | quarter | month | week | day | weekday | hour). |
year |
year | calendarQuarter | calendarMonth | calendarWeek | calendarDate | quarter | month | week | day | weekday | hour |
categories |
Filter for categories used |
end |
This contains the definition of the range end, and applies a filter to the date expression. |
endShift |
Modification of ends of breakdown intervals in the form '<value> <period>'. Here 'value' is integer (both positive and negative). 'period' can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour'. If the property is absent, then the ends of the breakdown intervals will not be modified. Be aware that not all possible periods are valid for each breakdown interval. For example, if you breakdown dates by CalendarMonth you cannot then shift them by quarters. Also, shifts by weeks is only available for breakdown by weeks. |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
start |
This contains the definition of the range start, and applies a filter to the date expression. |
startShift |
Modification of starts of breakdown intervals in the form '<value> <period>'. Here 'value' is the integer (both positive and negative). 'period' can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour'. If the property is absent, then the starts of the breakdown intervals will not be modified. Be aware that not all possible periods are valid for each breakdown interval. For example, if you breakdown dates by CalendarMonth you cannot then shift them by quarters. Also, shifts by weeks is only available for breakdown by weeks. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
breakdownBy transfer
Chart series transfer schema
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
fromCategory |
Transfer from category |
label |
Value title |
chart bar
This code block creates a Bar chart
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
barColorFormat |
This is the conditional formatter to define the bar color. |
barGap |
The gap between two bar in the same category in pixels. |
barSize |
The width or height of each bar in pixels. If the barSize is not specified or bars with the specified values don’t fit, the size of bar will be calculated automatically. Note: it will only work if you specify barSize for all bars. |
dataLabel |
Changes the data label options |
value | percent | percentThenValue | valueThenPercent | hide |
gradientFill |
Changes the fill to a gradient based on the offset values provided |
legendType |
The interpolation type of line |
line | square | rect | circle | cross | diamond | square | star | triangle | wye | none |
maxBarSize |
The maximum width or height of each bar in pixels. If the maxBarSize is not specified or bars with the specified values don’t fit, the maximum size of bar will be calculated automatically. |
mode |
This property changes the chart mode. |
clustered |
stacked | stacked100Percent | clustered |
percentFormat |
Formatter for percentage labels. |
showBase |
Show number of responses |
false |
true | false |
showBaseInTooltip |
Show base of a series in tooltip |
true |
true | false |
showValue |
Specifies whether the value is to be displayed or not. |
true |
true | false |
stackId |
The stack ID of the bar. When two bars have the same value axis and the same stackId, then the two bars are stacked in the order in which they appear in the CDL. |
valueLabel |
Changes the display values along with labels |
valuePosition |
Changes the display position of value in chart |
inner |
inner | outer |
chart pie
Specifies that the chart is to be presented as a pie chart and provides available settings for that type of chart.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
innerRadius |
The inner radius of all the sectors. |
legendType |
The interpolation type of line |
line | square | rect | circle | cross | diamond | square | star | triangle | wye | none |
outerRadius |
The outer radius of all the sectors. |
showBase |
Show number of responses |
false |
true | false |
showBaseInTooltip |
Show base of a series in tooltip |
true |
true | false |
showValue |
Specifies whether the value is to be displayed or not. |
true |
true | false |
valuePosition |
Changes the display position of value in chart |
inner | outer |
chart radar
This code block specifies that the chart is to be presented as a radar chart and provides available settings for that type of chart.
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
dotColorFormat |
Conditional formatter for dot color. |
dots |
Visibility of graph dots |
false |
true | false |
dotSize |
Dot size |
3 |
legendType |
The interpolation type of line |
line | square | rect | circle | cross | diamond | square | star | triangle | wye | none |
max |
Define a maximum value for the chart axis (the value may be 'auto', 'dataMax' or a number value) |
auto |
auto | dataMax |
min |
Define a maximum value for the chart axis (the value may be 'auto', 'dataMin' or a number value) |
auto |
auto | dataMin |
shape |
Chart shape |
polygon |
polygon | circle |
showBaseInTooltip |
Show base of a series in tooltip |
true |
true | false |
tickCount |
The count of axis ticks |
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
label |
Selector option |
Selector option
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
label |
Selector option content |
Selector option content
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
Series section |
Category list section |
Category cut section |
Category cut by multi section |
Category date section |
Category overlapping date section |
Chart category transfer schema |
Chart category filter schema |
Category drill down section |
Category comparison section |
Category total of selected section |
Category selected flat section |
category list Category list section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hierarchy |
Hierarchical field (vpath) - a field to define parent-child relations when building hierarchy (example - accounts:ParentAccountID) |
label |
Value title |
record |
The name of the filters for individual record selection |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
table |
The name of the table (alias) for the widget to work with |
accounts: |
take |
The number of cells to be fetched, cannot be used if path to series is specified as sortBy |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
where |
contains post-aggregation filter expression for the list section |
Chart report base |
category cut Category cut section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
categories |
Filter for categories used |
collapseMulti |
When set to true, this header acts like 'cutByMulti' for multi-choice variables, while it has no effect on other types of valriables. |
true | false |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
palette |
Here you define the custom list of colors that are to be applied to the lines in the category. |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
category cutByMulti Category cut by multi section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
categories |
Filter for categories used |
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
palette |
Here you define the custom list of colors that are to be applied to the lines in the category. |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
category transfer Chart category transfer schema
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
fromSeries |
Transfer from series |
label |
Value title |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
category filter Chart category filter schema
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
label |
Value title |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
value |
A valid value expression in table engine |
valueLabel |
Value label |
category drillDown Category drill down section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
drillDown |
Drill down |
label |
Value title |
category comparison Category comparison section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
label |
Value title |
reportingHierarchy |
Reporting hierarchy |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
category selectedHierarchy Category total of selected section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
label |
Value title |
labelSeparator |
Label separator |
reportingHierarchy |
Reporting hierarchy |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
category selectedFlat Category selected flat section
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
emptyFirst |
For some header cells desired values can be empty. This setting specifies if such cells should go before or after others. Default value is false. |
false |
true | false |
label |
Value title |
labelSeparator |
Label separator |
labelStyle |
Hierarchy label display style. Has two options: nodeOnly and fullPath |
fullPath |
nodeOnly | fullPath |
reportingHierarchy |
Reporting hierarchy |
sortBy |
A valid series identifier or path to breakdown. |
sortIndex |
Defines which column on the other side of the table (from the header) the values are to be taken from. You can use negative values here. -1 means the last row/column. Default value is -1. |
-1 |
sortOrder |
Specify how the chart widget is to be sorted (none (default) | ascending | descending). |
none |
none | ascending | descending |
takeBottom |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the bottom of the column. |
takeTop |
Specifies how many cells are to be taken, starting at the top of the column. |
axis primary
Chart primary axis
Name | Description | Default value | Available options | |||
axisLine |
Use this property to hide the axis line on this chart. If set to false, no axis line will be drawn (true | false). |
true | false |
format |
Accepts an identifier of a formatter which transforms |
hide |
Use this property to hide the axis on this chart. If set to true, the axis will not be displayed in the chart (true | false). |
false |
true | false |
label |
Chart axis label value. |
maxValue |
Specify the maximum value of the axis. |
minValue |
Specify the minimum value of the axis. |
orientation |
Tick text orientation ("vertical" or degrees from -90 till 90). |
0 |
vertical | 0 | 45 | -45 | 90 | -90 |
reversed |
Reverse the ticks or not |
true | false |
strokeWidth |
Change the width of the axis |
textSize |
Defines the size (width or height, depending on location) of the axis label text in pixels |
tickCount |
Use this property to include tick-counts on the chart primary-axis. |
tickLine |
Use this property to include a tick-line on the chart. If set false, no axis tick-lines will be drawn. Bear in mind that adding this property and then specifying false is the same as not adding the property (true | false). |
true |
true | false |