Gets credits with custom variables
PanelistCredit[] GetCreditsWithCustomVariables(string key, string panelId, int panelistId, string surveyId, int topN, int startPosition, bool orderAscending, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, string[] customFieldNames)
Name | Data Type | Description |
key |
string required |
The authentication key |
panelId |
string required |
The panel ID |
surveyId |
string required |
The survey ID |
topN |
int required |
The number of credits to return |
startPosition |
int required |
The creditId from where to start |
orderAscending |
bool required |
Sort credits ascending/descending |
fromDate |
DateTime required |
Specifies the from DateTime (including) when the credit was added. If you do not want to use from date, use DateTime.MinValue. The parameter will then be ignored in the whereclause. |
toDate |
DateTime required |
Specifies the to DateTime (including) when the credit was added. If you do not want to use from date, use DateTime.MinValue. The parameter will then be ignored in the whereclause. |
customFieldNames |
string[ ] required |
The names of the variables to retrieve. |
// Create instance of the webservice
PanelCreditSoapClient panelCredit = new PanelCreditSoapClient();
// NOTE: Credits will not be available if the respondent has not completed the spesific survey
// Example: How to find TopN credits
// To find topN credits we must first find which creditId to use as startpositon.
// CreditId is a unique identifier for all credits in a panel.
// Find creditId for the second (index=1) added credit:
PanelistCredit[] panelistCreditsAll = panelCredit.GetAllCreditsFromPanelist(key, panelId, panelistId, DatabaseType.Production);
creditId = panelistCreditsAll[1].CreditId;
startPosition = creditId;
// To get the TopN last credits, we must order descending
orderAscending = false;
// Specify how many credits to return
topN = 2;
// Set fromDate to seven days back from today
fromDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(7,0,0,0));
// Set toDate to yesterday
toDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(1,0,0,0));
// Get credits
PanelistCredit[] credits = panelCredit.GetCreditsWithCustomVariables(key, panelId, panelistId, surveyId, topN, startPosition, orderAscending, fromDate, toDate, DatabaseType.Production, new [] {"transactionCountry"});