Set one credit to a panelist. If combination of surveyId, panelistId and sectionId exists, update row. Else add row.
void SetCreditToPanelist(string key, string panelId, int panelistId, string surveyId, string sectionId, int credit, string comment, DatabaseType databaseType)
Name | Data Type | Description |
key |
string required |
The authentication key |
panelId |
string required |
The panel ID |
panelistId |
int required |
PanelistId for panelist to receive credits |
surveyId |
string required |
The panel ID |
sectionId |
string required |
Add credits to a section within a survey. Specified sectionId is added to surveyId. E.g p999999.section1. Default value is surveyId. |
credit |
int required |
The credit to be added to the panelist. The credit can be a positive or negative integer. |
comment |
string |
Open text field (255 char) to add a comment. Can be null or "". |
databaseType |
DatabaseType required |
Production or Test. |
// Create instance of the webservice
PanelCreditSoapClient panelCredit = new PanelCreditSoapClient();
// Add or update credit transaction record
panelCreditSoapClient.SetCreditToPanelist(key, PanelProjectId, 99, "p9999999999", "Household", 50, "Credits for adding household info", DatabaseType.Production);