

Gets top N credits for a given panelist

PanelistCredit[] GetTopNCreditsFromPanelist(string key, string panelId, int panelistId, int topN, int startPosition, bool orderAscending, DatabaseType databaseType)


Name Data Type Description


string required

The authentication key


string required

The panel ID


int required

The panelist ID


int required

The number of credits to return


int required

The creditId from where to start


bool required

Sort credits ascending/descending


DatabaseType required

Production or Test.


Data Type Description

A collection of credits.


// Get topN credits from panelist

// Create instance of the webservice
PanelCreditSoapClient panelCredit = new PanelCreditSoapClient();

// NOTE: Credits will not be available if the respondent has not completed the spesific survey

// Example 1: How to get the last two credits added to the panel, for a spesific panelist

// To find topN credits we must first find which creditId to use as startpositon.
// CreditId is a unique identifier for all credits in a panel.
// Find creditId for the second (index=1) added credit:
PanelistCredit[] panelistCreditsAll = panelCredit.GetAllCreditsFromPanelist(key, panelId, panelistId, DatabaseType.Production);
creditId = panelistCreditsAll[1].CreditId;
startPosition = creditId;

// To get the TopN last credits, we must order descending
orderAscending = false;

// Specify how many credits to return
topN = 2;

// Get topN credits from panelist
PanelistCredit[] topNCreditsFromPanelist1 = panelCredit.GetTopNCreditsFromPanelist(key, panelId, panelistId, topN, startPosition, orderAscending, DatabaseType.Production);

// Example 2: How to get the first two credits added to the panel, for a spesific panelist

// To find topN credits we must first find which creditId to use as startpositon.
// CreditId is a unique identifier for all credits in a panel.
// Find creditId for the second (index=1) added credit:
PanelistCredit[] panelistCreditsAll2 = panelCredit.GetAllCreditsFromPanelist(key, panelId, panelistId, DatabaseType.Production);
creditId = panelistCreditsAll2[1].CreditId;
startPosition = creditId;

// To get the TopN first credits, we must order ascending
orderAscending = true;

// Specify how many credits to return
topN = 2;

// Get topN credits from panelist
PanelistCredit[] topNCreditsFromPanelist2 = panelCredit.GetTopNCreditsFromPanelist(key, panelId, panelistId, topN, startPosition, orderAscending, DatabaseType.Production);