Class representing information about the call attempt
Name | Description | Schema |
aaporCode |
AAPOR code based on Extended status of the call attempt |
string |
callAttemptNumber |
Represents the sequence number of a call attempt made during an interview. This value corresponds to the 'CallAttemptCount' respondent field at the time of the call. It can be used to link call history data with survey data collected in the "call history" loop. |
integer (int32) |
callCenterId |
Unique identifier of the call center |
integer (int32) |
connectedTime |
The difference in seconds between the first time the phone connection was established within the interview and the last time the phone connection was disconnected within the interview. |
integer (int32) |
duration |
Duration of the call attempt in seconds |
integer (int32) |
endTime |
End Time of the call attempt |
string (date-time) |
extendedStatus |
Extended status that has been assigned to the interview after the call attempt |
integer (int32) |
id |
Unique identifier of the call |
integer (int32) |
interviewId |
Unique identifier of the interview |
integer (int32) |
interviewerId |
Unique identifier of the interviewer |
integer (int32) |
interviewerName |
Name of the Call Interviewer |
string |
links |
< string, object > map |
openEndReviewDuration |
Duration of the Open End Review interview phase |
integer (int32) |
previewTime |
The difference in seconds between the interview start time and the first time the phone connection was established within the interview. Only applicable for Preview interviews. |
integer (int32) |
surveyId |
Unique identifier of the survey (pXXXXXXXX) |
string |
telephoneNumber |
Telephone number |
string |
time |
Time of the call attempt |
string (date-time) |
waitingTime |
Waiting time (in seconds) before the call has started |
integer (int32) |
wrapTime |
The difference in seconds between the last time the phone connection was disconnected within the interview and the start of the open end review (if open end review is enabled for the survey) or the interview end (if open end review is not enabled for the survey). |
integer (int32) |
Type : enum (toBeDeleted, disabledByFCD, scheduled, disabledByUser, toBeAddedFromSample, loadedToDialerPredictively, interviewInProgress)
Class representing information about the Dialer
Name | Description | Schema |
dialType |
dialerStatus |
id |
Unique identifier of the Dialer |
integer (int32) |
links |
< string, object > map |
name |
Name of the Dialer |
string |
Class representing information about the CATI interview
Name | Description | Schema |
appointmentExpiration |
Time when scheduled appointment expires |
string (date-time) |
appointmentTime |
Time of the scheduled appointment |
string (date-time) |
assignedResourceId |
Id of the interviewer or group whom interview is assigned |
string |
assignedResourceName |
Name of the interviewer or group whom interview is assigned |
string |
callAttemptsCount |
Number of attempts to call for this respondent |
integer (int32) |
callId |
Unique identifier of the call associated with interview |
integer (int32) |
callState |
dialTypeId |
Id of the Dial type Possible values: 0 Landline 1 Cellphone |
integer (int32) |
dialTypeName |
Type of the Dial |
string |
dialingMode |
expireTime |
Time when schedule expires |
string (date-time) |
extendedStatusId |
Id of the interview Status |
integer (int32) |
extendedStatusName |
Status of the interview |
string |
interviewId |
Unique identifier of the interview |
integer (int32) |
lastInterviewerId |
Id of the last interviewer called for this interviews |
integer (int32) |
lastInterviewerName |
Name of the last interviewer called for this interviews |
string |
links |
< string, object > map |
priority |
Priority of the interviews |
integer (int32) |
respondentName |
Name of the respondent |
string |
reviewStatus |
shiftType |
Shift type of te call |
string |
shiftTypeId |
Id of the Shift type of te call |
integer (int32) |
surveyId |
Unique identifier of the survey (pXXXXXXXX) |
string |
telephoneNumber |
Telephone number of the respondent |
string |
timeOfLastCall |
Time of the latest attempt to call for this respondent |
string (date-time) |
timeToCall |
Scheduled time of the interviews value "1899-12-30T00:00:00+00:00" means that TimeToCall = Now |
string (date-time) |
timezoneId |
Respondent Timezone id |
integer (int32) |
timezoneName |
Respondent Timezone name |
string |
Name | Schema |
itemCount |
integer (int32) |
itemType |
string |
items |
< CallHistory > array |
links |
< string, object > map |
totalCount |
integer (int32) |
Name | Schema |
itemCount |
integer (int32) |
itemType |
string |
items |
< Dialer > array |
links |
< string, object > map |
totalCount |
integer (int32) |
Name | Schema |
itemCount |
integer (int32) |
itemType |
string |
items |
< Interview > array |
links |
< string, object > map |
totalCount |
integer (int32) |