The Hubs API
This section contains a detailed description of the Confirmit Hubs REST API available for handling of Hubs and related resources.
Parts of the documentation has been automatically generated based on the OpenApi specification (formerly known as Swagger).
Click Swagger for a live experience of the documentation.
The '/v1/hubs' - endpoint allows the client (user) to list hubs the client has access to. The response will contain basic information about each hub.
A Hub is a centralized construct for organizing your research programs, for administration and data management of all the different assets used in the program, like surveys, contact databases, panels, reports and end users. It allows multiple data sets of different types to be brought together, relationships defined, and data readied for use in dashboards, analysis, reports, action management, and other areas.
The '/v1/hubs/{hubId}/hierarchies' - endpoint can be used to create, get and manipulate hierarchies linked to a specific hub.
A Hierarchy is an arrangement of items (objects, names, values, categories, etc.) in which the items are represented as being "above”, "below," or "at the same level as" one another. Each item can have zero or more subordinates (“children”), and zero or one immediate superior (“parent”). For example, members of an organization could be ranked according to relative status or authority. Most governments, corporations and organizations are hierarchical.
Hierarchies are used in Forsta Plus for example when running employee satisfaction surveys, to define the structure of the organization. This allows employees to be grouped into the correct departments under the correct managers, and this in turn allows the appropriate permissions to be allocated so that the employees have access to information relevant to their positions within the organization when the results are reported.
Each “location” in the hierarchy, in this case each position in the company, is termed a “Node”, with the lowest level - those with no-one reporting to them, being termed “Leaf” nodes to indicate their positions at the ends of the branches.
End Users
The '/v1/hubs/{hubId}/enduserlists' - endpoint can be used to create, get and manipulate enduser lists linked to a specific hub.
End Users are users who access Forsta Plus for functionality such as reports, dashboards etc. The end users who are to be given access to a particular set of the outputs from a particular hub are grouped into lists to simplify management - End User lists. You can create any number of end user lists within a hub for different groups, jobs and projects, but an end user list is only valid for the hub in which it is created.
Auto-Combined Survey Data
The '/v1/hubs/{hubId}/auto-combined-surveys' - endpoint can be used to get data (respondents and responses) in an auto-combined survey.
An auto-combined surevey is an asset created in a Hub and used for reporting purposes. The survey collects and brings together data from a set of 'sub' surveys, all having the same structure, so that a report can be created on the full data-set.
Custom Data
The '/v1/hubs/{hubId}/customdata' - endpoint can be used to handle everything regarding Custom Data in a Hub.
The Custom Data functionality allows you to import into the Hub other types of data than just survey data and use it in Studio reports.
Examples of custom data include accounts information for companies that sell to other companies and organizations (Business to Business (B2B)), Salesforce data regarding a company’s sub contractors, revenue data, operational data, ticket data, marketing data, usage data, benchmark data, targets etc.
The '/v1/hubs/{hubId}/surveys' - endpoint can be used to get details about all Surveys in a Hub.