This API handles Professional User management and follows rules set by the SCIM 2.0. standard. SCIM 2.0 standard specification can be found here:

Parts of the documentation has been automatically generated based on the OpenApi specification (formerly known as Swagger).

Go to Swagger for a live experience.


Resource types

GET '*/scim/v2/resourceTypes'

Returns all supported resource types.


GET '*/scim/v2/schemas'

Returns schemas of all supported resource types.

Service Provider Configuration

GET '*/scim/v2/serviceProviderConfig'

Returns general information regarding the current API. This information includes authentication schemes, bulk support, filter support, ETag support etc.


GET '*/scim/v2/users/{userId}'

Returns the specified user.

GET '*/scim/v2/users'

Returns users specified by SCIM query parameters. Following query parameters are supported:

  • Filter

  • SortBy and SortOrder

  • StartIndex and Count

Query filter currently supports following commands:

  • Equal - "propertyName eq value"

  • Not equal - "propertyName ne value"

  • Contains - "propertyName co value"

  • Starts with - "propertyName sw value"

  • Ends with - "propertyName ew value"

  • Present - "propertyName pr"

  • Greater than - "propertyName gt value"

  • Greater than or equal - "propertyName ge value"

  • Less than - "propertyName lt value"

  • Less than or equal - "propertyName le value"

Following grouping operators are supported:

  • "(" and ")"

Following logical operators are supported:

  • "and"

  • "or"

  • "not"

POST '*/scim/v2/users'

Creates a user using provided input parameters and returns it.

PUT '*/scim/v2/users/{userId}'

Updates specified user with provided input parameters. The entire provided user is used for the update.

PATCH '*/scim/v2/users/{userId}'

Updates specified user with provided input parameters. The provided key-value pairs are used for the update. Used for activating/deactivating the user.

DELETE '*/scim/v2/users/{userId}'

Deletes specified user.


GET '*/scim/v2/groups/{groupId}'

Returns the specified group.

GET '*/scim/v2/groups'

Returns company groups.

POST '*/scim/v2/groups'

Creates a group using provided input parameters and returns it.

PATCH '*/scim/v2/groups/{groupId}'

Patch group members or group data based on input

DELETE '*/scim/v2/groups/{groupId}'

Deletes specified group.