Import survey definition.
Imports survey definition. Definition has to be a zipped XML file. Sample request:
Get surveys.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Query |
companyId |
Filter surveys for the given CompanyId. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
keyword |
Filter surveys where Keywords contains the given value. |
string |
Query |
name |
Filter surveys where Name contains the given value. |
string |
Query |
page |
Use this when paging through the surveys (default=1). Optional. Ex: Append page=4 to the query parameters. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
pageSize |
Number of surveys to retrieve per request (default=100). Optional. Ex: Append pageSize=20 to the query parameters. Max value is 5000. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
wiLastGenerated |
Filter surveys based on WiLastGenerated. Format should be 'operator YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. Ex '> 2024-12-24 23:59:59'. Supported operators are '=,<,>'. NB! When using the '=' operator, hours, minutes and seconds will not be applied. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The list of surveys is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"itemCount" : 3,
"totalCount" : 301,
"items" : [ {
"id" : "p00001",
"name" : "My first survey",
"creatorFullName" : "Johnson, Mark",
"companyId" : 23,
"companyName" : "Testing Ltd",
"status" : "production",
"created" : "2018-08-08T21:22:23+00:00",
"type" : "survey",
"keywords" : [ "test1", "test2" ],
"lastModified" : "2020-08-08T21:22:23+00:00",
"lastDataStateChange" : "2022-01-03T01:22:23+00:00",
"wiLastGenerated" : "2021-03-04T22:11:23+00:00"
}, {
"id" : "p00002",
"name" : "My second survey",
"creatorFullName" : "Hanson, John",
"companyId" : 23,
"companyName" : "Testing Ltd",
"status" : "closed",
"created" : "2018-08-03T21:22:23+00:00",
"type" : "survey",
"keywords" : [ "AA", "BB" ],
"lastModified" : "2020-08-08T21:22:23+00:00",
"lastDataStateChange" : "2022-01-03T01:22:23+00:00",
"wiLastGenerated" : "2021-03-04T22:11:23+00:00"
}, {
"id" : "p00003",
"name" : "AutoCombined survey",
"creatorFullName" : "Johnson, Mark",
"companyId" : 23,
"companyName" : "Testing Ltd",
"status" : "production",
"created" : "2018-04-08T21:22:23+00:00",
"type" : "autoCombinedSurvey",
"lastModified" : "2020-08-08T21:22:23+00:00",
"lastDataStateChange" : "2022-01-03T01:22:23+00:00"
} ],
"links" : {
"nextpage" : "http://host/v1/surveys/?pageSize=20&page=5",
"prevpage" : "http://host/v1/surveys/?pageSize=20&page=3",
"item" : "http://host/v1/surveys/{surveyId}"
Get languages.
GET /languages
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The language is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the language was not found. |
Get language by Id.
GET /languages/{id}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
id |
The Confirmit Language Id of the language. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The language is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the language was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"id" : 29,
"name" : "Swedish",
"rightToLeft" : false,
"subLanguages" : [ {
"id" : 1053,
"primaryLanguageId" : 29,
"name" : "Swedish",
"countryName" : "Sweden",
"rightToLeft" : false
}, {
"id" : 2077,
"primaryLanguageId" : 29,
"name" : "Swedish",
"countryName" : "Finland",
"rightToLeft" : false
} ]
Get language by Name.
GET /languages/{name}
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The language is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the language was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"id" : 29,
"name" : "Swedish",
"rightToLeft" : false,
"subLanguages" : [ {
"id" : 1053,
"primaryLanguageId" : 29,
"name" : "Swedish",
"countryName" : "Sweden",
"rightToLeft" : false
}, {
"id" : 2077,
"primaryLanguageId" : 29,
"name" : "Swedish",
"countryName" : "Finland",
"rightToLeft" : false
} ]
Get language by CountryName.
GET /languages/{name}/{countryName}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
countryName |
The CountryName of the language. |
string |
Path |
name |
The Name of the language. |
string |
Get survey.
GET /{surveyId}
Returns information about a survey or zipped xml survey definition. Result is defined by request’s Accept header. Sample request:
GET /p00012334
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The survey is returned. If Accept header was set to application/zip then the survey definition zip file is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"status" : "Production",
"companyId" : 25,
"companyName" : "Test Inc.",
"creatorUserName" : "testuser",
"creatorFullName" : "Tester, John",
"lastModified" : "2001-01-01 10:11:12",
"description" : "Used to collect some data",
"name" : "My test survey",
"id" : "p0001234"
"application/json" : {
"status" : "Production",
"companyId" : 25,
"companyName" : "Test Inc.",
"creatorUserName" : "testuser",
"creatorFullName" : "Tester, John",
"lastModified" : "2001-01-01 10:11:12",
"description" : "Used to collect some data",
"name" : "My test survey",
"id" : "p0001234"
"application/zip" : {
"status" : "Production",
"companyId" : 25,
"companyName" : "Test Inc.",
"creatorUserName" : "testuser",
"creatorFullName" : "Tester, John",
"lastModified" : "2001-01-01 10:11:12",
"description" : "Used to collect some data",
"name" : "My test survey",
"id" : "p0001234"
Get data state for a survey.
GET /{surveyId}/datastate
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The data state is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Get survey hierarchies.
GET /{surveyId}/hierarchies/{hierarchyId}
Returns information about a survey’s hierarchies. Sample request:
GET /p00012334/hierarchies/567
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
hierarchyId |
The id of the hierarchy to retrieve |
integer (int32) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The survey hierarchy is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey hierarchy was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"id" : 567,
"name" : "LookupHierarchy",
"nodes" : [ {
"id" : "confirmit",
"label" : "CONFIRMIT",
"attributes" : {
"benchmark" : "survey1",
"score" : "10"
"children" : [ {
"id" : "rd",
"label" : "RD",
"attributes" : {
"benchmark" : "survey2",
"score" : "3"
"children" : [ {
"id" : "rd_Norway",
"label" : "RD_NORWAY",
"attributes" : {
"benchmark" : "survey3",
"score" : "6"
}, {
"id" : "rd_US",
"label" : "RD_US",
"attributes" : {
"benchmark" : "survey4",
"score" : "1"
} ]
}, {
"id" : "qa",
"label" : "QA",
"attributes" : {
"benchmark" : "survey5",
"score" : "8"
} ]
} ]
Gets a list of the hubs the survey is added to.
GET /{surveyId}/hubs
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The data state is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Create survey launch.
POST /{surveyId}/launches
Requests survey launch. Sample request:
POST /p123123/launches { "mode": "Test", "generationMode": "CreateNew", "enforceNewVersion": true }
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey launch options |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
202 |
Accepted, the request has accepted for processing. The launch information is returned. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Get list of survey launches for one survey.
GET /{surveyId}/launches
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the list of launches is returned. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"itemType" : "surveyLaunches",
"itemCount" : 3,
"totalCount" : 10,
"items" : [ {
"id" : 234,
"status" : "error",
"taskId" : 0
}, {
"id" : 345,
"status" : "aborted",
"taskId" : 0
}, {
"id" : 456,
"status" : "complete",
"taskId" : 0
} ],
"links" : {
"self" : "",
"cancel" : ""
Get information about single survey launch.
GET /{surveyId}/launches/{launchId}
Returns information about single survey launch with optional log entries. Sample request:
GET /p123123/launches/456
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
launchId |
The id of the launch |
integer (int32) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
LogStartDate |
Specify to get log entries only after this date. This date is not included. |
string (date-time) |
Query |
LogTypes |
Types of log entries to get. |
< LogTypes > array(multi) |
Query |
MaxLogEntries |
Maximum number of log entries to get. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the launch information is returned. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or launch was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"id" : 123,
"status" : "executing",
"taskId" : 0,
"logs" : {
"itemType" : "surveyLaunchLogs",
"itemCount" : 3,
"totalCount" : 10,
"items" : [ {
"type" : "info",
"timeStamp" : "2025-01-24T15:15:56.0945557+00:00",
"text" : "Initializing..."
}, {
"type" : "info",
"timeStamp" : "2025-01-24T15:15:57.0945571+00:00",
"text" : "Generating..."
}, {
"type" : "info",
"timeStamp" : "2025-01-24T15:15:58.094561+00:00",
"text" : "Verifying..."
} ],
"links" : { }
"links" : {
"self" : "",
"all" : "",
"cancel" : ""
Cancel survey launch.
POST /{surveyId}/launches/{launchId}/cancel
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
launchId |
The id of the launch |
integer (int32) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
202 |
Accepted, the request has accepted for processing. The launch information is returned. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or launch was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Get quotas.
GET /{surveyId}/quotas
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The quotas are returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"itemCount" : 2,
"totalCount" : 2,
"items" : [ {
"name" : "quota1",
"emailAddress" : "",
"isOptimisticQuota" : false,
"liveLimit" : 0,
"liveLimitType" : "fixed"
}, {
"name" : "quota2",
"emailAddress" : "",
"isOptimisticQuota" : true,
"liveLimit" : 50,
"liveLimitType" : "percent"
} ],
"links" : {
"item" : "http://host/v1/surveys/p0001234/quotas/{quotaName}"
Get quota.
GET /{surveyId}/quotas/{quotaName}
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
quotaName |
The name of the quota |
string |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The quota are returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or quota was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Get quota limits.
GET /{surveyId}/quotas/{quotaName}/limits
Gets the quota limits with runtime counters for a survey . Sample request:
GET /p123123/quotas/quota1/limits GET /p123123/quotas/quota1/limits?environment=test
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
quotaName |
The name of the quota |
string |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
environment |
Include quota counters for test or production environment. Default is 'production'. |
enum (Production, Test) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The quota limits are returned. |
< QuotaLimit > array |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or quota was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
[ {
"id" : "d180c016-f050-48f9-9d29-dcb0156e3747",
"limit" : 10,
"counter" : 9,
"fields" : [ {
"questionId" : "q1_single",
"answerValue" : "blue",
"answerValueText" : "Blue color"
} ]
}, {
"id" : "45e2143a-9d74-43dd-aa60-3e50b2c447e8",
"limit" : 5,
"counter" : 0,
"fields" : [ {
"questionId" : "q2_multi",
"answerCode" : "blue",
"answerText" : "Blue color",
"answerValue" : "1",
"answerValueText" : "Chosen"
}, {
"questionId" : "q2_multi",
"answerCode" : "green",
"answerText" : "Green color",
"answerValue" : "0",
"answerValueText" : "Not Chosen"
} ]
}, {
"id" : "04c46e79-5b60-4e44-b976-77ec738230b5",
"limit" : 10,
"counter" : 5,
"fields" : [ {
"questionId" : "q3_grid",
"answerCode" : "blue",
"answerText" : "Blue color",
"answerValue" : "10",
"answerValueText" : "Very good"
}, {
"questionId" : "q3_grid",
"answerCode" : "green",
"answerText" : "Green color",
"answerValue" : "1",
"answerValueText" : "Bad"
} ]
}, {
"id" : "ce498da3-2589-4592-91d6-daab2b9a3da4",
"limit" : 2,
"counter" : 2,
"fields" : [ ]
} ]
Update quota limits.
PATCH /{surveyId}/quotas/{quotaName}/limits
Update quota limit values. Currently only 'Limit' field can be modified.
Quota limits for all quotas in a survey will be automatically synchronized between Design and Runtime.
To disable quota synchronization, use sync=false
querystring parameter.
Sample request:
PATCH /p123123/quotas/quota1/limits [ { "id": "c574a171-9689-4a71-a13c-45f0cb3f8060", "limit": 99}, { "id": "60ac6372-cedb-46db-972c-abadef14bece", "limit": 100} ] PATCH /p123123/quotas/quota1/limits?environment=test [ { "id": "c574a171-9689-4a71-a13c-45f0cb3f8060", "limit": 10}, { "id": "60ac6372-cedb-46db-972c-abadef14bece", "limit": 20} ]
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
quotaName |
The name of the quota |
string |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
environment |
Update quota limits for test or production environment. Default is 'production'. |
enum (Production, Test) |
Query |
sync |
Synchronize all quotas in the survey between Design and Runtime. Default is 'true'. |
boolean |
Body |
body |
Quota limits patch payload |
< QuotaLimitPatch > array |
Add respondent data.
POST /{surveyId}/respondents/data
Add new respondents to the survey database.
If request succeeds then the response contains a SurveyDataChangeResponse
object with the number of the records added.
Sample request:
POST /p00012334/respondents/data { "dataSchema": { "keys": ["email"], "variables": ["SomeChoiceVariable", "SomeTextVariable"] }, "data": [ {"email":"","SomeChoiceVariable":"1","SomeTextVariable":"User1's answer."}, {"email":"","SomeChoiceVariable":"2","SomeTextVariable":"User2's answer."} ] }
Note: "keys" clause is optional in the example above and should be used with custom keys only.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey data schema and data records to add. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded, the respondent data inserted successfully. |
400 |
Bad request, the write schema or write data are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"schedulingMode" : "none",
"dataSchema" : {
"keys" : [ "email" ],
"variables" : [ "SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion" ]
"data" : [ {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "1",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "User1's answer."
}, {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "2",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "User2's answer."
} ]
Get respondent data.
GET /{surveyId}/respondents/data
Returns a collection or stream of SurveyDataRecord
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/respondents/data
In order to filter variables of the result you can use either <b>variables</b> or <b>variableTemplateId</b> parameter. It’s not allowed to use them simultaneously, so always keep one of them empty. You can also skip both in order to get data for all the respondent variables.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
filterExpression |
DataEngine query expression for row filtering. |
string |
Query |
page |
Use this to get page N of pageSize records. Default is 1. Only applies to Content-type: application/json. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
pageSize |
Use this to limit number of records. Default is 100. Only applies to Content-type: application/json. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
surveyLinkParameters |
Extra parameters to append to the survey link. Optional. Ex: l=20 |
string |
Query |
variableTemplateId |
Id of a variable template to be used to form the list of respondent variables included in each |
integer (int64) |
Query |
variables |
The list of respondent variables to be included in each |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. All requested respondent records are returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"itemCount" : 0,
"totalCount" : 355,
"items" : [ {
"respid" : 1,
"CreatedDate" : "2020-01-21T16:00:40.817",
"LastUpdated" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"email" : "",
"age" : 23,
"last_name" : "Smith"
}, {
"respid" : 2,
"CreatedDate" : "2020-01-21T16:00:40.817",
"LastUpdated" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"email" : "",
"age" : 44,
"last_name" : "Doe"
} ],
"links" : { }
"application/json" : {
"itemCount" : 0,
"totalCount" : 355,
"items" : [ {
"respid" : 1,
"CreatedDate" : "2020-01-21T16:00:40.817",
"LastUpdated" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"email" : "",
"age" : 23,
"last_name" : "Smith"
}, {
"respid" : 2,
"CreatedDate" : "2020-01-21T16:00:40.817",
"LastUpdated" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"email" : "",
"age" : 44,
"last_name" : "Doe"
} ],
"links" : { }
"application/x-ndjson" : {
"itemCount" : 0,
"totalCount" : 355,
"items" : [ {
"respid" : 1,
"CreatedDate" : "2020-01-21T16:00:40.817",
"LastUpdated" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"email" : "",
"age" : 23,
"last_name" : "Smith"
}, {
"respid" : 2,
"CreatedDate" : "2020-01-21T16:00:40.817",
"LastUpdated" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"email" : "",
"age" : 44,
"last_name" : "Doe"
} ],
"links" : { }
Update respondent data.
PUT /{surveyId}/respondents/data
Updates existing respondent records matching the given keys.
If request succeeds then the response contains a SurveyDataChangeResponse
object with the number of the records updated.
Sample request:
PUT /p00012334/respondents/data { "dataSchema": { "keys": ["email"], "variables": ["SomeChoiceVariable", "SomeTextVariable"] }, "data": [ {"email":"","SomeChoiceVariable":"1","SomeTextVariable":"Updated User1's answer."}, {"email":"","SomeChoiceVariable":"2","SomeTextVariable":"Updated User2's answer."} ] }
Note: "keys" clause is obligatory in the example above.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey data schema and data records to update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded and the respondent data was updated successfully. |
400 |
Bad request, the schema or data are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"schedulingMode" : "none",
"dataSchema" : {
"keys" : [ "email" ],
"variables" : [ "SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion" ]
"data" : [ {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "1",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "Updated User1's answer."
}, {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "2",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "Updated User2's answer."
} ]
Delete respondent data.
DELETE /{surveyId}/respondents/data
Deletes existing respondent records matching the given keys.
If request succeeds then the response contains a SurveyDataChangeResponse
object with the number of the records deleted.
Sample request:
DELETE /p00012334/respondents/data { "dataSchema": { "name": "respondent", "keys": ["email"] }, "data": [ { "email": ""}, { "email": ""} ] }
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey data schema and data with keys of records to delete. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded and the respondent data was deleted. |
400 |
Bad request, the schema or data are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Merge respondent data.
PATCH /{surveyId}/respondents/data
Merges the respondent data from the request with the existing respondents in the survey database by record keys.
Updates records matching an existing key in the database. Inserts records not matching an existing key.
If request succeeds then the response contains a SurveyDataChangeResponse
object with the number of inserted and updated records.
Sample request:
PATCH /p00012334/respondents/data { "dataSchema": { "keys": ["email"], "variables": ["SomeChoiceVariable", "SomeTextVariable"] }, "data": [ {"email":"","SomeChoiceVariable":"1","SomeTextVariable":"Updated User1's answer."}, {"email":"","SomeChoiceVariable":"3","SomeTextVariable":"An answer of the new respondent User3."} {"email":"","SomeChoiceVariable":"2","SomeTextVariable":"Updated User2's answer."} ] }
Note: "keys" clause is obligatory in the example above. Note: Set some non-existing keys for the records to be inserted. You have to set different key for each new record.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey data schema and data records to merge. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded, the respondent data updated successfully. |
400 |
Bad request, the write schema or write data are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"schedulingMode" : "none",
"dataSchema" : {
"keys" : [ "email" ],
"variables" : [ "SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion" ]
"data" : [ {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "1",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "Updated User1's answer."
}, {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "3",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "An answer for the new respondent User3."
}, {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "2",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "Updated User2's answer."
} ]
Create a respondent data query.
POST /{surveyId}/respondents/data/query
Creates a respondent data query. Sample request:
POST /p00012334/respondents/data/query
In order to filter variables of the result you can use either <b>variables</b> or <b>variableTemplateId</b> parameter. It’s not allowed to use them simultaneously, so always keep one of them empty. You can also skip them at all in order to receive all the survey variables.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
filterExpression |
DataEngine query expression for row filtering. |
string |
Query |
format |
Format the data will be written as. Default is x-ndjson. Use tsv+zip or csv+zip to write to file. |
string |
Query |
keepAlive |
Keep alive timeout for query. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
variableTemplateId |
Id of a variable template to be used to form the list of respondent variables included in the query schema. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
variables |
The list of respondent variables to be included in the query schema. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The created query is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Get respondent data query.
GET /{surveyId}/respondents/data/query/{queryId}
Gets a specific respondent data query. Sample request:
GET /p00012334/respondents/data/query/1515
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
queryId |
The id of the query to retrieve |
integer (int64) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, The request has succeeded. The respondent data query is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or the query was not found. |
Get respondent query data.
GET /{surveyId}/respondents/data/query/{queryId}/data
Returns the SurveyDataRecord
part of a SurveyDataQuery
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/respondents/data/query/1515/data
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
queryId |
The id of the query |
integer (int64) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
maxSize |
The desired maximum number of records to be returned. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, The request has succeeded. Some respondent data for the specified query might be returned. The query is completed. It will not provide more records. |
< string > array |
206 |
Ok, The request has succeeded. Some respondent data for the specified query might be returned. If no data returned then the specified query does not have more records at the moment. The query is still active, run the request again for more records. |
< string > array |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or the query was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
[ {
"responseid" : 1,
"respid" : 1,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T15:09:40.817+00:00",
"q1" : 1
}, {
"responseid" : 2,
"respid" : 2,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T15:09:40.817+00:00",
"q1" : 2
} ]
Get respondent query schema.
GET /{surveyId}/respondents/data/query/{queryId}/schema
Returns the SurveyDataSchema
part of a SurveyDataQuery
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/respondents/data/query/1515/schema
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
queryId |
The id of the query |
integer (int64) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, The request has succeeded. The respondent data schema for the specified query is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or the query was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"version" : "1",
"defaultConfirmitLanguageId" : 9,
"languages" : [ {
"confirmitLanguageId" : 9
} ],
"root" : {
"name" : "response",
"keys" : [ {
"name" : "responseid",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : true,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
} ],
"variables" : [ {
"name" : "respid",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : true,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
}, {
"name" : "q1",
"titles" : [ ],
"texts" : [ ],
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : false,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"precision" : 2,
"scale" : 0,
"lowerLimitType" : "noLimit",
"upperLimitType" : "noLimit",
"excludeFromReporting" : false
} ]
Get a single respondent record.
GET /{surveyId}/respondents/data/{respId}
Returns a SurveyDataRecord
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/respondents/data/234
In order to filter variables of the result you can use either <b>variables</b> or <b>variableTemplateId</b> parameter. It’s not allowed to use them simultaneously, so always keep one of them empty. You can also skip them at all in order to receive all the survey variables.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
respId |
The unique respId. |
integer (int32) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
variableTemplateId |
Id of a variable template to be used to form the list of respondent variables included in each |
integer (int64) |
Query |
variables |
The list of respondent variables to be included in each |
string |
Get the survey data schema for respondent data.
GET /{surveyId}/respondents/schema
Returns a SurveyDataSchema
for the requested variables.
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/respondents/schema
In order to filter variables of the result you can use either <b>variables</b> or <b>variableTemplateId</b> parameter. It’s not allowed to use them simultaneously, so always keep one of them empty. You can also skip them at all in order to receive all the survey variables.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
languageSelection |
A specification of which variables to include in the schema texts/titles. |
enum (All, None, Default, Selected) |
Query |
languages |
A comma-separated list of languageIds to be included in the schema. Use in combination with LanguageSelectionType.Selected. |
string |
Query |
variableTemplateId |
Id of a variable template to be used to form the list of respondent variables to include in the schema. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
variables |
The list of respondent variables to be included in the schema. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The survey data schema is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"version" : "1",
"defaultConfirmitLanguageId" : 9,
"languages" : [ {
"confirmitLanguageId" : 9
} ],
"root" : {
"name" : "respondent",
"keys" : [ {
"name" : "respid",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : true,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
} ],
"variables" : [ {
"name" : "email",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : true,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "text",
"isSystemVariable" : false,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"length" : 255,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
}, {
"name" : "age",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : true,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : false,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"precision" : 2,
"scale" : 0,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
}, {
"name" : "last_name",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "text",
"isSystemVariable" : false,
"isUserVariable" : true,
"length" : 255,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
} ]
Add a respondent variable.
POST /{surveyId}/respondents/uservariables
Add a new user-variable to the respondent table. Sample request:
POST /p00012334/respondents/uservariables { "name": "email", "dataType": "text", "length": 256 }
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
The new |
Delete a respondent variable.
DELETE /{surveyId}/respondents/uservariables/{variableName}
Delete a user-variable from the respondent table. Sample request:
DELETE /p00012334/respondents/uservariables/city
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Path |
variableName |
The name of the variable to delete. |
string |
Add response data.
POST /{surveyId}/responses/data
Adds new response records to the survey database.
If request succeeds then the response contains a SurveyDataChangeResponse
object with the number of the records added.
Sample request:
POST /p00012334/responses/data { "dataSchema": { "keys": ["email"], "variables": ["SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion"] }, "data": [ {"email":"","SomeChoiceQuestion":"1","SomeTextQuestion":"User1's answer."}, {"email":"","SomeChoiceQuestion":"2","SomeTextQuestion":"User2's answer."} ], "linkRespondentsWithKey": false }
Note: The "keys" clause is optional in the example above and should be used with custom keys only. Use the linkRespondentsWithKey property to link respid’s from already created respondents to the new responses.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey data schema and data records to insert. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded, the response data was inserted successfully. |
400 |
Bad request, the schema or data are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"linkRespondentsWithKey" : false,
"dataSchema" : {
"keys" : [ "email" ],
"variables" : [ "SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion" ]
"data" : [ {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "1",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "User1's answer."
}, {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "2",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "User2's answer."
} ]
Get response data.
GET /{surveyId}/responses/data
Returns a collection or stream of SurveyDataRecord
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/responses/data
In order to filter variables of the result you can use either <b>variables</b> or <b>variableTemplateId</b> parameter. It’s not allowed to use them simultaneously, so always keep one of them empty. You can also skip them at all in order to receive all the survey variables.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
filterExpression |
DataEngine query expression for row filtering. |
string |
Query |
page |
Use this to get page N of pageSize records. Default is 1. Only applies to Content-type: application/json. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
pageSize |
Use this to limit number of records. Default is 100. Only applies to Content-type: application/json. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
variableTemplateId |
Id of a variable template to be used to form the list of survey variables included in each |
integer (int64) |
Query |
variables |
The list of survey variables to be included in each |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. All requested survey data records are returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"itemCount" : 0,
"totalCount" : 355,
"items" : [ {
"responseid" : 1,
"respid" : 1,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 1
}, {
"responseid" : 2,
"respid" : 2,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 2
}, {
"responseid" : 3,
"respid" : 3,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 3
} ],
"links" : { }
"application/json" : {
"itemCount" : 0,
"totalCount" : 355,
"items" : [ {
"responseid" : 1,
"respid" : 1,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 1
}, {
"responseid" : 2,
"respid" : 2,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 2
}, {
"responseid" : 3,
"respid" : 3,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 3
} ],
"links" : { }
"application/x-ndjson" : {
"itemCount" : 0,
"totalCount" : 355,
"items" : [ {
"responseid" : 1,
"respid" : 1,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 1
}, {
"responseid" : 2,
"respid" : 2,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 2
}, {
"responseid" : 3,
"respid" : 3,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T16:09:40.817",
"q1" : 3
} ],
"links" : { }
Update response data.
PUT /{surveyId}/responses/data
Updates response records in the survey database matching the given keys.
If request succeeds then the response contains a SurveyDataChangeResponse
object with the number of the records updated.
Sample request:
PUT /p00012334/responses/data { "dataSchema": { "keys": ["email"], "variables": ["SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion"] }, "data": [ {"email":"","SomeChoiceQuestion":"1","SomeTextQuestion":"Updated User1's answer."}, {"email":"","SomeChoiceQuestion":"2","SomeTextQuestion":"Updated User2's answer."} ] }
Note: "keys" clause is obligatory in the example above.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey data schema and data records to update. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded, the response data was updated successfully. |
400 |
Bad request, the schema or data are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"schedulingMode" : "none",
"dataSchema" : {
"keys" : [ "email" ],
"variables" : [ "SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion" ]
"data" : [ {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "1",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "Updated User1's answer."
}, {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "2",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "Updated User2's answer."
} ]
Delete response data.
DELETE /{surveyId}/responses/data
Deletes response records matching the given keys.
If the request succeeds then the response contains a SurveyDataChangeResponse
object with the number of the records deleted.
Sample request:
DELETE /p00012334/responses/data { "dataSchema": { "name": "response", "keys": ["email"] }, "data": [ { "email": ""}, { "email": ""} ] }
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey data schema and data keys of records to delete. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded, the response data deleted successfully. |
400 |
Bad request, the write schema or write data are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Merge response data.
PATCH /{surveyId}/responses/data
Merges the response data from the request with the existing survey responses in the survey database by record keys.
Updates records matching an existing key in the database. Inserts records not matching an existing key.
If the request succeeds then the response contains a SurveyDataChangeResponse
object with the number of inserted and updated records.
Sample request:
PATCH /p00012334/responses/data { "dataSchema": { "keys": ["email"], "variables": ["SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion"] }, "data": [ {"email":"","SomeChoiceQuestion":"1","SomeTextQuestion":"Updated User1's answer."}, {"email":"","SomeChoiceQuestion":"3","SomeTextQuestion":"An answer of the new respondent User3."} {"email":"","SomeChoiceQuestion":"2","SomeTextQuestion":"Updated User2's answer."} ], "linkRespondentsWithKey": false }
Note: The "keys" clause is obligatory in the example above. Use the linkRespondentsWithKey property to link respid’s from already created respondents to the new responses. Note: Set some non-existing keys for the records to be inserted. You have to set different key for each new record.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Body |
body |
Survey data schema and data records to merge with existing data. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded, the response data updated successfully. |
400 |
Bad request, the write schema or write data are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"linkRespondentsWithKey" : true,
"dataSchema" : {
"keys" : [ "email" ],
"variables" : [ "SomeChoiceQuestion", "SomeTextQuestion" ]
"data" : [ {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "1",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "Updated User1's answer."
}, {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "3",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "An answer for the new respondent User3."
}, {
"email" : "",
"SomeChoiceQuestion" : "2",
"SomeTextQuestion" : "Updated User2's answer."
} ]
Create a response data query.
POST /{surveyId}/responses/data/query
Creates a response data query. Sample request:
POST /p00012334/responses/data/query
In order to filter variables of the result you can use either <b>variables</b> or <b>variableTemplateId</b> parameter. It’s not allowed to use them simultaneously, so always keep one of them empty. You can also skip them at all in order to receive all the survey variables.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
filterExpression |
DataEngine query expression for row filtering. |
string |
Query |
format |
Format the data will be written as. Default is x-ndjson. Use tsv+zip or csv+zip to write to file. |
string |
Query |
keepAlive |
Keep alive timeout for query. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
variableTemplateId |
Id of a variable template to be used to form the list of survey variables included in the query. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
variables |
The list of survey variables to be included in the query. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The created query is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Get response data query.
GET /{surveyId}/responses/data/query/{queryId}
Gets a specific response data query. Sample request:
GET /p00012334/responses/data/query/1515
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
queryId |
The id of the query to retrieve |
integer (int64) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, The request has succeeded. The survey data query is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or the query was not found. |
Get response query data.
GET /{surveyId}/responses/data/query/{queryId}/data
Returns the SurveyDataRecord
part of a SurveyDataQuery
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/responses/data/query/1515/data
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
queryId |
The id of the query |
integer (int64) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
maxSize |
The desired maximum number of records to be returned. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, The request has succeeded. Some response records for the specified query might be returned. The query has completed, it will not provide more records. |
< string > array |
206 |
Ok, The request has succeeded. Some response records for the specified query might be returned. If no data returned then the specified query does not have more records at the moment. The query is still active, run the request again for more records. |
< string > array |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or the query was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
[ {
"responseid" : 1,
"respid" : 1,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T15:09:40.817+00:00",
"q1" : 1
}, {
"responseid" : 2,
"respid" : 2,
"status" : "complete",
"last_touched" : "2020-01-21T15:09:40.817+00:00",
"q1" : 2
} ]
Get response query schema.
GET /{surveyId}/responses/data/query/{queryId}/schema
Returns the SurveyDataSchema
part of a SurveyDataQuery
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/responses/data/query/1515/schema
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
queryId |
The id of the query |
integer (int64) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, The request has succeeded. The survey data schema for the specified query is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or the query was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"version" : "1",
"defaultConfirmitLanguageId" : 9,
"languages" : [ {
"confirmitLanguageId" : 9
} ],
"root" : {
"name" : "response",
"keys" : [ {
"name" : "responseid",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : true,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
} ],
"variables" : [ {
"name" : "respid",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : true,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
}, {
"name" : "q1",
"titles" : [ ],
"texts" : [ ],
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : false,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"precision" : 2,
"scale" : 0,
"lowerLimitType" : "noLimit",
"upperLimitType" : "noLimit",
"excludeFromReporting" : false
} ]
Get a single response record.
GET /{surveyId}/responses/data/{responseId}
Returns a SurveyDataRecord
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/responses/data/234
In order to filter variables of the result you can use either <b>variables</b> or <b>variableTemplateId</b> parameter. It’s not allowed to use them simultaneously, so always keep one of them empty. You can also skip them at all in order to receive all the survey variables.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
responseId |
The unique responseId. |
integer (int32) |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
variableTemplateId |
Id of a variable template to be used to form the list of survey variables included in each |
integer (int64) |
Query |
variables |
The list of survey variables to be included in each |
string |
Get survey data schema for responses.
GET /{surveyId}/responses/schema
Returns a SurveyDataSchema
with the requested survey variables.
Sample request:
GET /p00012334/responses/schema
In order to filter variables of the result you can use either <b>variables</b> or <b>variableTemplateId</b> parameter. It’s not allowed to use them simultaneously, so always keep one of them empty. You can also skip them at all in order to receive all the survey variables.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Query |
languageSelection |
A specification of which variables to include in the schema texts/titles. |
enum (All, None, Default, Selected) |
Query |
languages |
A comma-separated list of languageIds to be included in the schema. Use in combination with LanguageSelectionType.Selected. |
string |
Query |
variableTemplateId |
Id of a variable template to be used to form the list of survey variables included in the result. |
integer (int64) |
Query |
variables |
The list of survey variables to be included in the response. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The survey data schema is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"version" : "1",
"defaultConfirmitLanguageId" : 9,
"languages" : [ {
"confirmitLanguageId" : 9
} ],
"root" : {
"name" : "response",
"keys" : [ {
"name" : "responseid",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : true,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
} ],
"variables" : [ {
"name" : "respid",
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : true,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"excludeFromReporting" : false
}, {
"name" : "q1",
"titles" : [ ],
"texts" : [ ],
"isCompound" : false,
"isBackground" : false,
"isHidden" : false,
"variableType" : "numeric",
"isSystemVariable" : false,
"isUserVariable" : false,
"precision" : 2,
"scale" : 0,
"lowerLimitType" : "noLimit",
"upperLimitType" : "noLimit",
"excludeFromReporting" : false
} ]
Get survey weight models.
GET /{surveyId}/weightmodels
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The survey weight model list is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"itemCount" : 2,
"totalCount" : 2,
"items" : [ {
"id" : "15",
"name" : "Gender & Age",
"type" : "sampleBalancing",
"lastGenerated" : "2021-05-21T15:09:40.817+00:00"
}, {
"id" : "16",
"name" : "SomeSurveyQuestionWeightModel",
"type" : "surveyQuestion",
"lastGenerated" : "2021-05-21T15:09:40.817+00:00",
"questionId" : "q1"
} ],
"links" : {
"self" : "http://host/v1/surveys/{surveyId}/weightmodels"
Get survey weight model details.
GET /{surveyId}/weightmodels/{weightModelId}
Returns information about a survey weight model by id. Sample request:
GET /p12345/WeightModels/15
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
surveyId |
The id of the survey |
string |
Path |
weightModelId |
The id of the weight model |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Ok, the request has succeeded. The survey weight model details is returned. |
400 |
Bad request, the query parameters are not valid. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
No Content |
404 |
Not found, the survey or the weight model was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"id" : "15",
"name" : "Gender & Age",
"type" : "sampleBalancing",
"lastGenerated" : "2021-05-21T15:09:40.817+00:00",
"dimensions" : [ {
"name" : "Gender",
"values" : [ "m", "f" ]
}, {
"name" : "Age",
"values" : [ "Young", "MiddleAged", "Old" ]
} ],
"factors" : [ {
"key" : [ {
"name" : "Gender",
"value" : "m"
}, {
"name" : "Age",
"value" : "Young"
} ],
"weight" : 0.968
}, {
"key" : [ {
"name" : "Gender",
"value" : "m"
}, {
"name" : "Age",
"value" : "Young"
} ],
"weight" : 0.993
}, {
"key" : [ {
"name" : "Gender",
"value" : "m"
}, {
"name" : "Age",
"value" : "MiddleAged"
} ],
"weight" : 1.087
}, {
"key" : [ {
"name" : "Gender",
"value" : "f"
}, {
"name" : "Age",
"value" : "Old"
} ],
"weight" : 1.028
}, {
"key" : [ {
"name" : "Gender",
"value" : "f"
}, {
"name" : "Age",
"value" : "MiddleAged"
} ],
"weight" : 0.96
}, {
"key" : [ {
"name" : "Gender",
"value" : "f"
}, {
"name" : "Age",
"value" : "Old"
} ],
"weight" : 1.177
} ]